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本研究是探討日常用語對學生在科學用語運用的干擾現象。以國中學生學習理化的課程為例。研究方法是選取桃園縣八、九年級的國中學生共205位為樣本,針對所研究的問題實施紙筆測驗與個別訪談,並對具有明顯迷思概念的學生,再進行概念改變的教學活動。研究結果發現,造成學生學習科學名詞上的迷思概念來源有: 1、交互重疊性高的不同概念;2、名詞相同或相似;3、感官印象的干擾;4、日常用語的使用習慣;5、概念結構的殘缺;6、教學的簡約與錯誤。而且通常一個教學內容的迷思概念來源是並非只有一個而是多個的。由這些來源再往上推測,則迷思概念與日常生活的經驗與使用的語言有很大的關係。本研究針對具有迷思概念的學生所進行的概念改變教學活動,達到了一些成效,所使用的搭橋類比法、異例法與蘇格拉底式對話法的教學方式與內容,可用來分析學生概念改變的機制,這些資料也可作為一般教師教學的參考。
The study explores the interferences of science words usage from demotic words. Science courses of junior high school are investigated as an example. Two hundred and five eighth to ninth graders of junior high students in Taoyuan County are selected to do paper tests and interviews about the designed questions. Then a teaching activity is performed for misconception students to do a conceptual change. The research finds that the causes of misconceptions, when learning science terms, are : 1.different notions which are highly overlapping, 2. equal or similar nouns, 3. interferences from sensual impacts, 4. inclinations to use the demotic words, 5. maimed conceptual structures, 6. a simplified or false teaching behavior. The analysis also argues that more than one factor engender the misconceptions from a teacher’s teaching contents. Hypothesizing the sources, therefore, it is very likely that conceptions are massively connected with daily life and the used language. The teaching activity, which is performed for misconception students to change their conceptions, has achieved some certain effects. The teaching methods and contents, like Bridge Analogy, Discrepant Event or Anomaly, and Socratic Dialogue, could be applied as a mechanism to analyze students’ conceptual change. The files also provide a reference for a teacher’s teaching activity.



日常用語, 科學名詞運用, 干擾現象, 概念改變, demotic words, science term’s usage, interference, conceptual change





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