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  清帝國統治台灣逾二百年。其中在清治末期時,列強對台灣之覬覦與侵擾的情形愈加劇烈,而這也使得清廷對台灣的治理政策有所轉變;此外,台灣與國際之間的貿易也愈趨頻繁。由於這樣的變動與背景,使得清治末期在台灣歷史上有其重要性與特殊性,所以本文以此一時期的台灣散文作為研究素材,探討其中的文化論述。而本文所探討之文化論述,主要聚焦在三個主題:政治與教育、產業經濟,以及民情風俗。在政治與教育方面,當時的論述主要著重在台灣地位與對外關係、洋務運動,以及教育等議題之探討。而在產業經濟方面,當時的散文所探討之議題包括自然資源、國際貿易,以及財政制度等面向之議論。至於民情風俗方面,當時的散文主要是民間信仰、生命禮俗與歲時節令,以及生活習俗等三方面的書寫。   透過上述三大主題的探討,本文發現在台灣清治末期的散文中,清末的文人作家大多是以帝國之眼的觀看視角,來看待台灣的政治經濟與民俗文化;而且散文中充斥著正∕反之二元對立的論述模式。不過,散文中也呈現出初具現代性的社會圖像。
The Ching Empire governed Taiwan over 200 years. In the late Ching ruled period, the situation that the great powers coveted, invaded and harassed Taiwan was more and more serious, and this made the Ching Empire shifted its policies of governing Taiwan. Besides, Taiwan did more and more trade with other countries. Because of such changes and backgrounds, the late Ching ruled period in Taiwanese history is important and particular. And this thesis takes the prose of this period as study materials to discuss cultural discourses in it. The cultural discourses that this thesis discusses mainly focus on three subjects: politics and education, industries and economy, and folk customs. The discourses of politics and education at that time mainly center on discussing the status and foreign relations of Taiwan, Westernization Movement (Yang-Wu Movement), and education. And in the subject of industries and economy, the aspects that discussed in the prose at that time include the comments on natural resources, international trade, and finance system. In addition, the subject of folk customs in the prose at that time mainly discusses the writing of three aspects: folk beliefs, rites of life and festivals, and customs of life. Through discussing the three subjects above, this thesis indicates that most literati and authors of the prose during the late Ching ruled period saw Taiwanese politics, economy, and folklore with imperial eyes, and the prose was full of the model of discourse of binary opposition of positive and negative. However, the prose also presents the social images with modernity.



清治末期, 散文, 台灣文化, 旅行書寫, 論述, late Ching ruled period, prose, Taiwanese culture, travel writing, discourse





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