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雙語教學推動至今,各界仍對於雙語教學政策的推動有著不同的看法與見解。研究者本身服務於師培大學並執行雙語師資培育的任務。基於各級學校於推動雙語教學初期常以健體領域進行雙語教學,為確保體育課程之教學效能,本研究旨在建構臺灣國民中小學雙語體育教學效能評估指標,以供學校及教育行政主管機關,在擬定雙語教學政策與執行之參考。本研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查兩種方式進行研究。首先藉由文獻分析找出可能影響雙語教學效能之因素,進一步編製而成「臺灣國民中小學雙語體育教學效能評估指標」問卷為調查工具。本研究邀請15位專家委員,包含師資培育大學之師培教授、雙語教學研究中心執行長/主任、推動雙語教學之校長、主任與擔任雙語體育教學實際授課的主教教師進行調查。所得資料以描述性統計與層級分析進行資料分析,以建構臺灣國民中小學雙語體育教學效能評估指標之適切性與相對權重。所得結論如下:一、雙語體育教學效能評估指標含有教師專業教學知能、教師學科及語言專業程度、教師課程設計與教學能力、班級經營能力與多元評量與教師指導及回饋等五個構面,共有35個評估指標。二、本研究所建構的雙語體育教學效能評估指標,皆具有相當程度的重要性,其中最被重視的構面是教師課程設計與教學能力。三、本研究所建構的雙語體育教學效能評估指標,其相對權重前三名分別為年資至少 3 年以上且每周至少教授3節體育課、體育運動相關系所畢業或取得大專校院體育相關系所進修 8 學分以上之體育教師、教師具備正確動作示範與指導能力。基於上述結果,建議教育相關單位,未來可加強培育雙語體育教師的教師課程設計與教學能力,並應重視教師的專業背景與專業能力之養成,以確保學生接受雙語教學後的學習成效。針對未來研究,建議可以更進一步應用本研究所建構之教學效能評估指標,加以檢視教學現場教師的教學效能,並據以輔導及改善。
In recent years, Taiwan has been promoting bilingual education. In the initial stages, many schools chose the physical education domain to implement bilingual education, but it has still garnered diverse perspectives and opinions. To ensure the instructional effectiveness of the bilingual physical education curriculum, this study aims to construct an evaluation index for the evaluating the effectiveness of bilingual instruction in physical education in Taiwan. The purpose is to assist in formulating bilingual instruction policies and confirming the effectiveness of bilingual instruction. This study used literature survey to construct the potential factors that may impact the effectiveness of bilingual PE instruction. Furthermore, we used the Delphi questionnaire survey to inquire the importance of different indicators. We recruited 15 expert committee members, include 4 teacher education professors, 4 directors/chief executives of bilingual instruction research centers, 4 principals, and 3 teachers whom were engaged in actual bilingual physical education instruction. Conclusions: the evaluation index for bilingual physical education instructional effectiveness consist of five dimensions: teacher's professional teaching competence (0.154), teacher's subject and language proficiency (0.219), teacher's curriculum design and teaching ability (0.299), classroom management skills (0.177), diversified assessment and teacher guidance and feedback (0.151). There are 35 indicators, and the top three relative weights are as follows: having a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience and teaching at least 3 physical education classes per week, being a graduate of a sports-related department or having completed at least 8 credits of physical education courses in a tertiary institution, and possessing the ability to provide correct movement demonstrations and guidance. For future studies, it is recommended to further implement the instructional indicators constructed in this study and examine the instructional effectiveness of teachers in actual teaching settings. Based on the findings, guidance and improvements can be provided.



德懷術, 雙語教學, 雙語體育教學效能, 雙語體育課程設計, Delphi technique, bilingual instruction, bilingual PE instructional effectiveness, bilingual PE curriculum design





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