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本計畫「基於多元口音之華語聽力教學及數位輔助教學研究」屬於應用型研究,預 定為期兩年,旨在探究以中高級華語學習者為對象之多元化華語聽力教學,俗稱聽力的 寬度訓練,並發展適宜之聽力材料及教學法,幫助學習者有效提昇對於真實語言的聽力 理解,減少他們在社會真實語言環境中與他人溝通時,對於帶不同口音之華語聽力理解 的困難。 本研究採用發展研究法〈Development Research〉,須經過分析、前導研究、語料蒐集、 設計、發展、實施與評量等階段。預期完成之工作項目: 第一年: 1. 完成海外華語學習者之華語聽力難點調查與分析。 2. 建立口音語料錄製、檢核、語音文字轉錄之要求標準及流程。 3. 建立聽力材料中的特殊詞彙之註解格式。 4. 完成先導式研究〈pilot study〉之50 筆口音語料錄製檢查及文字轉錄。 5. 完成前導研究〈國內之外籍學生之聽力訓練試驗〉。 第二年: 1. 完成口音語料錄製全部500 筆及其文字轉錄與特殊詞彙之註解。 2. 建製完成聽力資源教學網站。 3. 執行並完成與海外三所大學之聽力訓練試驗。 語料錄製形式包括1. 唸稿式:由不同口音的人士唸同樣的文句篇章。2. 主題式: 不同口音的人士說同樣的主題,採獨白或訪問形式。3. 自由獨白式:不同口音的人士談 不同的主題。4. 對話式:不同口音的人士互相交談,以生活實用相關內容為主。以上共 計至少500 筆錄音,成為聽力材料庫之基礎。亦足供研究及實際華語教學設計使用。 預期蒐集錄製之對象包括:1.男性及女性聲音,涵蓋台灣及香港與大陸地區。2.包 括一般年輕人、幼童小孩、中年人、老年人的口音。3. 帶有各地腔調特色之國語:包括 台灣標準國語、大陸標準普通話,以及台灣口音〈閩南腔〉、客家口音、香港口音、上 海口音〈吳語區〉、南京口音〈下江官話區〉、及官話區的山東口音、四川口音、東北口音 等、台灣原住民口音等等。4.以英語及日語等為母語之外國人華語口音。 本研究將與國內外數所大學華語教學機構合作,協助錄音語料蒐集及教學試驗,將 開創具有特色之華語多元聽力教學法並向海外推廣。
The two-year research aims at the establishing a teaching approach on L2 Chinese learners’Mandarin listening training for intermediate and advanced levels. The research especially focuses on the solution for multiple accents comprehension, so-called the wideness of listening ability. In the real Chinese language environment, learners will always hear the Mandarin in different accents and in different sound characteristics that will cause the difficulty of one-way or two-way communication during the conversation. How to increase learners’ability to understand the essentials of speech in some non-standard dialects is a mayor need for authentic environment. The methodology will be based on the development process, going through the learners needs analysis, pilot study, oral materials collection, instructional design, learning website development and teaching implementation. The tasks including: Year 1: 1. Investigate and survey the listening difficulties for Chinese language learners. 2. Establish the standard process of oral materials recording, checking and transcribing. 3. Establish the standard format for special phrases/words on the oral discourse. 4. Complete the domestic pilot study. Year 2: 1. Complete all the recording, including 500 pieces of oral materials and transcriptions. 2. Establish the website for listening instruction. 3. Execute the implementation of listening training for Chinese learners in the partner overseas institutes. The format of recording includes materials reading, free talks on certain topics or any topics, and conversation by people with different Chinese accents. The target Chinese speakers including the talks from male & female, kids and people in middle and old ages, people with different Mandarin accents from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Shandong, Singapore/Malaysia, as well as other dialectal areas. The research will be collaborated with some foreign institutes for data collections, oral materials recording, and teaching. It will establish a unique teaching approach, the multiple listening comprehension training, and the product, website with corpus, will be opened to Chinese institutes for the L2 Chinese diffusion and promotion.







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