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本研究主要目的在探討戒食檳榔行為改變計劃介入能否有效影響研究對象的檳榔及口腔癌 相關知識、嚼食檳榔健康信念、提高其戒食檳榔之自我效能和行為。 本研究採用準實驗設計之「實驗組對照組前後測設計」,以四所立意取樣的教學醫院(國 醫中心、台大、台北長庚、中山醫學大學附設醫院)口腔外科就診之口腔癌前病變、有嚼 食檳榔習慣且為行為改變階段準備期之四十位病人為對象,實驗組接受戒食檳榔行為改變 計劃,此計劃分為三單元,分三次進行,每次教學時間約為10-15分鐘,而對照組僅接受一 般的口腔治療,未接受此介入計劃。於介入完成後一星期進行後測。資料以卡方考驗、獨 立樣本t檢定、配對t檢定來比較各組間的差異,所得結果如下: 一、研究對象以男性為主,平均年齡為38.25歲,以閩南籍居多,教育程度為國中和高中( 職)居多,工作職業近半數為技術人員。 二、研究對象近八成在六個月內合併有吸菸、飲酒和嚼檳榔三種習慣,約7.5%同時有吸菸 和嚼檳榔習慣,有飲酒和嚼檳榔的有2.5%,只有嚼檳榔習慣者多於一成。 三、研究對象在前測時,平均一天嚼檳榔的顆數以每天嚼1-10顆為最多,嚼檳榔時間以1-5 年和16-20年為最多,多數研究對象使用包葉檳榔嚼塊,檳榔的來源以自己購買為多,第一 次嚼檳榔的平均年齡為20.28歲。 四、本研究所進行之戒食檳榔教育介入能有效提昇研究對象的檳榔與口腔癌相關知識、降 低其自覺戒食檳榔的障礙性;但兩組在戒食檳榔行為階段改變上並未達到顯著差異。 五、教育介入後,實驗組的檳榔與口腔癌知識、自覺口腔癌罹患性和自我效能得分顯著高 於前測,相反地,自覺戒食檳榔障礙性後測得分顯著低於前測,且嚼食檳榔之數量顯著減 少。
A Study on The Effect of Betel Nuts Quitting Program for Precancer Patients in Dentistry Clinics Abstract The main purpose of this study was to explore the effect of “betel nuts quitting program”. We would like to analyze, after our intervention, whether these target patients have developed the related knowledge of betel nuts and the oral cancer, the healthy belief of betel nuts chewing, and whether they have raised their self efficacy and behavior of quitting betel nuts. Quasi-experimental method was used. Forty oral precancer patients who had the habit of chewing betel nuts and were in the preparation for the stage of behavior changing were selected as our studying targets from the department of Oral Surgery in four teaching hospitals (TSGH, NTU Hospital, CGMH and CSMU Hospital). The experimental group with twenty subjects accepted the betel nuts quitting program. The program included three 15-minute parts. Post-test was held within one week after the intervention. The statistics methods included Chi-square test, t test and pair-t test. The major results were as follows : 1. The subject were mainly male. Their average age was 38.25. Most of them were Min-Nan. Their education level was mostly high school degree . Nearly half of them were the profession of technician. 2. As for the condition of smoking, drinking and chewing betel nuts in the past six months, nearly 80% of the subject had these three habits at the same time. About 7.5% of them had the habit of smoking and chewing betel nuts and 2. 5% had the habit of drinking and chewing betel nuts. More then 10% had only the habit of chewing betel nuts. 3. The average number of betel nuts daily use for the studying targets was mostly 1-10. Most of them have chewed betel nuts for 1-5 years or 16-20 years. Most of the targets used betel quid. Most of the betel nuts were bought by themselves. The average age of first time betel nuts chewing was 20.28. 4. The quitting program could efficiently raise the related knowledge of betel nuts and oral cancer, and also decrease the score of the perceived barriers of quit betel nuts. However, there’s no significant difference in the stage of change in quitting betel nuts between two groups. 5. In the experimental group, the mean scores of knowledge, self efficacy and the perceived susceptibility of oral cancer in the post-test were better than the scores of the pre-test. Oppositely, the experimental group’s score in the perceive barriers of quit betel nuts chewing was significantly lower than that of the pre-test, and the number of betel nuts in the post-test was significantly lower than in the pre-test.



牙科門診, 口腔癌前病變, 戒食檳榔, 行為改變階段, 健康信念, 自我效能





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