台北市國小學童垃圾減量行為意圖及相關因素 探討-以某國小高年級學童為例
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本研究旨在探討國小學童垃圾減量行為意圖與各相關變項之關係,主要運用Ajzen和Fishbein (1980)的理性行動論(Theory of Reasoned Action)和Bandura(1982)的自我效能(Self-efficacy)來驗證國小學童垃圾減量行為意圖與相關變項之關係。
The study of the relationship between waste reduction intentions and related factors for one elementary school’s pupils in Taipei city ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between elementary pupils’ behavioral intentions on waste reduction and its related factors. The main test models were Theory of Reasoned Action by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) and Self-efficacy by Bandura (1977). The sample was selected by stratifiedcluster sampling from the fifth and sixth grade pupils of one primary school in Taipei city during the first academic semester in 2009. The total number of subjects participated in the study was 318. The research instrument was two questionnaires. The main results of the study were as follows: 1. Most of the elementary pupils showed the willingness to engage in waste reduction. 2. More than eighty percent of the pupils hold positive attitudes on waste reduction. They thought their parents, teachers, peers and the environmental protection groups supported them to engage in waste reduction. Also they were willing to comply with their suggestions. ’’No time’’ and ’’Too tired’’ were the two most hindering factors that prevented pupils from engaging in waste reduction. It showed that pupils were not good at time management for waste reduction. 3. There were significant positive correlations between attitudes and the product of behavioral beliefs weighted by evaluations of outcomes. And there were also significant positive correlations between subjective norms and the product of normative beliefs weighted by motivation to comply. 4. Elementary pupils’ intentions to engage in waste reduction could be remarkably predicted by three factors: their attitude on waste reduction, their subjective norms and self-efficacy, and the explanatory power was 31% toward waste reduction intentions. Attitude was the most influential factor, followed by self-efficacy and then subjective norms. 5. There were three external variables including: knowledge of waste reduction, grade and self recycling frequency could significantly predict the intentions of waste reduction. 6. The results supported the hypothesis that a combination of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy could successfully predict the behavioral intentions on waste reduction.
The study of the relationship between waste reduction intentions and related factors for one elementary school’s pupils in Taipei city ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between elementary pupils’ behavioral intentions on waste reduction and its related factors. The main test models were Theory of Reasoned Action by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) and Self-efficacy by Bandura (1977). The sample was selected by stratifiedcluster sampling from the fifth and sixth grade pupils of one primary school in Taipei city during the first academic semester in 2009. The total number of subjects participated in the study was 318. The research instrument was two questionnaires. The main results of the study were as follows: 1. Most of the elementary pupils showed the willingness to engage in waste reduction. 2. More than eighty percent of the pupils hold positive attitudes on waste reduction. They thought their parents, teachers, peers and the environmental protection groups supported them to engage in waste reduction. Also they were willing to comply with their suggestions. ’’No time’’ and ’’Too tired’’ were the two most hindering factors that prevented pupils from engaging in waste reduction. It showed that pupils were not good at time management for waste reduction. 3. There were significant positive correlations between attitudes and the product of behavioral beliefs weighted by evaluations of outcomes. And there were also significant positive correlations between subjective norms and the product of normative beliefs weighted by motivation to comply. 4. Elementary pupils’ intentions to engage in waste reduction could be remarkably predicted by three factors: their attitude on waste reduction, their subjective norms and self-efficacy, and the explanatory power was 31% toward waste reduction intentions. Attitude was the most influential factor, followed by self-efficacy and then subjective norms. 5. There were three external variables including: knowledge of waste reduction, grade and self recycling frequency could significantly predict the intentions of waste reduction. 6. The results supported the hypothesis that a combination of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy could successfully predict the behavioral intentions on waste reduction.
垃圾減量行為意圖, 國小學童, 自我效能, 理性行動論, behavioral intentions on waste reduction, elementary school’s pupils, Self-efficacy, Theory of Reasoned Action