單一整合型計畫-K-12 教師低碳意識及其增能研究( I )

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研究背景:在全世界正處於能源危機之中,能源價格快速上揚,全球暖化持續惡化,以及全世界有數十億人口生活於無法取得能源的情況下,解決這些危機的關鍵可能在於低廉和乾淨能源的快速發展和分配使用,以及低碳生活的實踐。然而任何的能源計畫或模式的立法與實施,如果無社會大眾的意識可能是無效的,環境與能源教育的目的在提供人們正確的知識與能力,以增能大眾對環境議題與相關社會政治與經濟的瞭解,教育則是此過程的一項關鍵,教師角色更顯得重要。只有當教師意識到能源危機並能贊同與實踐低碳生活,才能將必須的知識與價值適當地融入其教學過程中,俾利於提供學生應用低碳生活的知識與技能,以處理每日生活相關的議題。 研究目的:本研究之目的包括:1. 探討「低碳意識」概念與內涵,以發展教師「低碳意識」調查問卷;2. 探討教師增能模式,以利設計「教師增能課程」;3. 規劃與設計K-12教師增能課程;4. 應用概念圖方法發展「教師增能課程實施成效評量」工具;5. 評估K-12教師增能課程實施成效。 研究方法:為達成上述研究目的,本研究運用之方法包括問卷調查法、行動研究和實驗法、訪談法及概念圖方法。 預期成效:本研究結果預期可作為政府研擬提昇K-12教師低碳意識和素養有關政策之參考,對訂定增進K-12教師低碳核心素養及其專業發展,將具有相當程度之貢獻。 對研究和實務之啟示:本研究發現將可展現出所規劃和實施之K-12教師增能課程,對增進教師能源相關教學知能的教師專業發展上之未來可能實務應用價值,以及本研究創造之有關學術洞見亦有助於未來能源教育之研究發展。
Background: The world are in energy crisis. Energy prices are rapidly escalating, foreign energy dependency is increasing, global warming continues unabated, and billions of people worldwide are living without access to energy. The key to solving these crises is the rapid development and deployment of cheap and clean energy, and implementation of low carbon life. Positive public attitudes towards low carbon energy and their acceptance are the key to the success of any energy initiatives and policies concerned. Education is one of the most effective ways to construct an integrated knowledge and background to cultivate critical thinking for energy development and employment. Environmental Education aims at providing people with the appropriate knowledge and capabilities so that environmental issues and their complicate parameters (social, political, economic) can be understood. Since Education can be the catalyst of this process, the role of teachers is very important. Only if teachers are knowledgeable and well disposed towards low carbon energy, the necessary knowledge and values can be properly incorporated into learning process, providing students with the appropriate capabilities to deal with the relevant issues into their daily life. Purpose: This study will be carried out to increase our knowledge on K-12 teachers’ perception and knowledge on low carbon energy. The purposes of this study are: 1) to explore concepts of low carbon so as to develop a questionnaire for surveying teachers’ perception and knowledge on low carbon; 2) to examine models of empowering teachers in order to design curriculum of teacher empowerment; 3) to plan and design k-12 curriculum of teacher empowerment; 4) to develop tools for evaluating effects of curriculum implementation of teacher empowerment by the application of concept maps; 5) to assess the experimental effects of teacher empowerment curriculum. Research Method: questionnaire survey, action research, interview, teaching experiment, and concept maps will be applied in this study for achieving the above purposes. Anticipated results: It can be expected that the results of this study will provide insights on K-12 teachers’ perception on low carbon, and offer suggestions for the government on initiating policies relating to empowering K-12 teachers’ knowledge on low carbon and their relevant teaching abilities. Implications for Research and Practice: The findings will demonstrate the potential and insights of the K-12 teacher empowerment curriculum to be developed by this study to future possible practical application of teacher professional development for enhancing their teaching knowledge concerned energy education, and such insights can be much value to the future study of energy education as well.







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