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音樂錄影帶是流行音樂產業推銷其音樂產品的其中一種重要管道,透過與歌曲同時播送的影像,企求能夠觸及更多閱聽人,吸引其注意力,並獲得更好的銷售成績。 許多音樂錄影帶的內容,是來自歌詞與音樂構成的意境與內容進一步發想、改編而成的故事,並隨著歌曲播放一面開展。這一種參考創作關係而產生的結果,類似於原著小說與依其改編而成的電影或電視劇,可以被視為一種互文性(Intertextuality)的展現。 2010年代末期,開始出現音樂作品之音樂錄影帶,是以不斷循環播放的簡短影像,亦即是循環影像(Video Loop)為基礎素材。相較於過往具有明顯敘事性的音樂錄影帶,以循環影像作為音樂錄影帶,並無法跟隨著音樂意境與歌詞的變化去回應,只能持續播放著相同的內容。 有鑑於此,本論文盼以個人之專輯《都會笑話輯》中,以循環影像性質製作的音樂錄影帶作為對象,藉由分析傳統與循環錄像形式的音樂錄影帶的特性,探討在這樣不具備與音樂一同發展的故事性的音樂錄影帶,是否仍然與歌曲具有互文性之關係,該以何種觀點來認識此一現象。
Music video is one of the most regular components in the marketing procedures of popular music. Expecting to acquire the attention of the audience of the market to lead to the growth of the products selling through the video playing along with the music. The contents of many music videos are stories developed form the concept and the content of the music and progresses with the music. The result of this kind of production with reference is similar to the movies or TV dramas adopted from the novels, which could be deem an example of the Intertextuality. In the end of 2010s, music videos that used an infinite replaying video loop as the main ingredient started to emerge on the market. Comparing to the traditional music videos that have obvious narrative, music videos that utilize video loop could not progress with the concept of music and lyrics, which could only keep looping the same content throughout the whole song. In consideration of this phenomenon, this thesis would like to make music videos from my album “An Album of Urban Jokes” that utilizing video loop as target, to try to analyze whether this kind of music videos that are not provided with the narrative of the music still could be put in the consideration of Intertextuality.



流行音樂, 音樂錄影帶, 循環影像, 互文性, Popular Music, Music Video, Video Loop, Intertextuality





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