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共創學習是一種讓學習者與同儕之間,進行知識的分享、交流、建構,創造出屬於自己的知識的學習方式。現代教育已普遍在線上進行學習活動,而線上環境打破空間、距離的限制,更有利於共創學習活動。然而環境的轉換、溝通模式的改變以及個人知識背景與特質的不同等,讓共創學習變得困難,因此需要由導師提供鷹架來協助學生完成學習任務。後設認知鷹架的優點為能夠連結學習者的先備知識,以利於後續訂定學習策略。然而僅是以提示的形式協助學生,並無學習操作的指引時,學生可能會無所適從。因此本研究提出混合式的鷹架,將能夠穩定學習路徑的程序性鷹架,改善僅使用後設認知鷹架策略之缺失。本研究使用實驗法,以具備概念性知識與程序性知識的實驗統計作為課程主題,實驗對象共24位,以後設認知鷹架與混合式鷹架進行分組,進行為期三週的線上共創輔導課程。以學習成就測驗與學習態度量表作為研究工具,並在課程結束後進行訪談,進行質化資料之收集。 研究結果發現,在進行完線上共創學習課程後,全體學習者的學習成效均有顯著差異,但兩鷹架組別間並無顯著差異;在學習態度方面,全體平均為中等偏低,顯示學習者對於此平台及學習方式並無顯著的認同感。根據上述兩點,因此延伸出先備知識及學習參與度的影響來深入探討。發現先備知識、學習參與度會影響學習態度。建議未來相關研究應考慮學習者的個人特質與平台的適用性,對於共創學習的影響。
Construction learning is share, exchange and build the knowledge between learner and their peers. Difficulties of construction learning appeared, mainly for the ever-changing environment and differentiated individuals. Therefore, instructors need to provide the scaffolds to help learners completed their learning tasks. Meta-cognitive scaffolding can connect the learner's prior knowledge to facilitate the learning strategies. But when instructor just gives them minimal hints, maybe make students lost in the new information. Therefore, this study proposed a blended scaffolding, we used the procedural scaffolding, which can stabilize the learning path, and it can improve the lack of use meta-cognitive scaffolding. Our research will use Google Site platform to create one online construction course, and we choose the experimental statistic as the course topic. There are 24 subjects in the experiment were divided into the different group (meta-cognitive scaffolding and blended scaffolding). The experimental course held three weeks. When the course end, students took the achievement test and learning attitude scale, and interview was performed to gather qualitative information. The results showed that there were significant differences in the learning outcomes of all learners after completing the learning courses, but there was no significant difference between the two groups, and the learning attitude also was no difference. Based on the above points, we try to realize the prior knowledge and engagement were effect the construction learning or not. We found that the prior knowledge and engagement will affect the learning attitude. It is suggested that the future research should consider the learners' personal characteristics and the applicability of the platform.



共創學習, 鷹架策略, 學習態度, 學習參與度, 先備知識, construction learning, scaffolding, learning attitude, engagement, prior knowledge





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