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  台灣自2005年開始參加國際授權展(Licensing International Expo),於2009年在拉斯維加斯所舉行的國際授權展首度突破六億產值,顯示出台灣的數位內容產業若能踏上國際舞台,其產值是相當可觀的。本研究將深入探討曾參展的典藏單位與加值單位,詴圖描繪出其學術與商業合作和加值之策略與其參展之授權過程。本研究首先將以次級資料分析,將文獻歸納與整理出過去學者研究相關之成果,並進一步以深度訪談法進行研究,將研究對象分為官方指導單位、典藏單位與加值單位,每個單位各訪談二位總共六位訪談者,其六位訪談者都與國際授權展有直接之關係,不同的研究對象施以不同之訪談內容。研究結果發現,由於台灣的文創產業尚需扶持,故數位典藏的素材無法有效的被應用並發展出商業模式;而數位典藏在授權法規陎以及政策的規劃陎,都還有改善的空間。在加值應用上,數位典藏單位必頇要以正陎積極的態度,主動的行銷自己的藏品,並且投入資源進入加值的過程,最重要的是需要建立自己的品牌,利用品牌的效益來行銷,並將典藏品產出一系列具有故事的商品,在參與國際授權展,必頇要知道自己的品牌優勢以及對於展品進行研究,而對於授權市場也必頇要一定程度的了解,最後則是必頇要選擇適合的市場進入。
  Taiwan went Licensing International Expo since 2005 , and made about 6 hundred million dollars in 2009. It means there are lots of opportunities in our digital content if we could take the worldwide business . Therefore , this study focuses on digital archive organization and value-added business who had attended the Licensing International Expo before , trying to figure out the strategies and the cooperation factors between the archive and the business . Also, this study interviewed the official organization to find out the problem about policy and law. This study use secondary data analysis and in-depth interview two methods . In the in-depth interviewing, this study separated for three groups , which is digital archive organization , value-added organization and official organization, each of them have two interviewers.   The study discovers that , Taiwan’s cultural creativity industry still have to grown up , so it’s difficult to bring lots of value and develop a business model in the digital archiving business. In authorized law and policies is still needed to improve . The digital organization needs to be positive in promoting their products . Most of all , they have to build up their own brand , and they have to promote the brand which has a series of products by using the story marketing. You have to study in your items and know what’s your strength in your brand when you taking part the Licensing International Expo. In addition , you need to know the market of authorized and find the market which is fit your orientation.   This study expected to make a simple procedure to let all the digital archive can follow this procedure to attend Licensing International Expo easier.



數位典藏, 國際授權展, 品牌行銷, Digital archive, Licensing International Expo, brand marketing





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