

創造力是人類重要的資源之一,有關創造力的培育也是學校教育所重視的一環。透過創造力教學可使學童創造力得以提升與激發;經由創造力評量能夠使教師了解學習者之創造力程度,並且依其結果進行創造力教學之修正,提升學習者之學習成效。但現今創造力評量之評分程序繁雜,且由評分者判斷試卷是否符合題意,此種方向易造成個人主觀意識影響評量結果。本研究以威廉斯知情互動模式為基礎建置一創造力教學及評量線上遊戲系統,藉由線上遊戲的環境引發學童心流經驗,且利用系統進行學童行為紀錄,根據該記錄結果進行各項創造力教學與評量。 在經過分析實驗數據後有以下幾點發現:1.經由第一階段將本研究發展之評量遊戲與威廉斯創造力測驗進行相關分析後發現,以整體評量結果而言能夠有效進行學童創造力評量。2.在第二階段實驗中,接受線上遊戲教學之學童,其整體創造力在實驗前後有顯著提升,顯示本研究所發展之系統能有效進行創造力教學。3.比較實驗組中以創造力前測分數區分出之高低分群學童表現發現,低分群的學生在遊戲過程中需要較多的提示與輔導,而高分群的學生則需要多樣化難度選擇方能順利進行創造力教學。
Creativity is one of the most important abilities of humans being. Thus, in many countries, it is an important educational objective to improve the creativity. In other way, the assessment of creativity is also significant. The effect of creative instruction can be verified by the creative assessment. Using the result of assessment, teachers can understand the defect of the creative instruction, and reformulate the further teaching plan. The execution of the traditional creative assessment is hard to reflect the students’ reality status of creativity, because the complex and multidimensional nature of creativity cannot be captured effectively and comprehensively by any single instrument or analytical procedure. This study constructed a game-based learning system for creative instruction and assessment. The proposed system was based on Williams’ Cognitive-Affective Interaction Model. The result of experiment shown: 1. The creative assessment games can measure students’ creativity effectively. 2. After the activity of on-line game, the creativity of students have promoted obviously. It shows that the on-line game can execute creative instruction effectively. 3. Compared with the higher score and lower score student which are classified by the pretest. It shows that students in lower score need more guidance in the on-line game; students in higher score need variety of difficulty to choose.



創造力, 創造力教學, 創造力評量, 線上遊戲, creativity, creative instruction, creative assessment, on-line game





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