

本研究旨在了解國中生的自尊現況及其與個人背景因素和重要他人情感關係的關係。以九十四學年度就讀於台北市立某國中的七、八年級學生為母群體。以班級為抽樣單位,並採叢集隨機取樣方式,在每一年級中選取6班,共12班,382人為樣本。採結構式問卷為研究工具,進行資料收集,有效樣本數374人,回收率97.9%。所得資料以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、研究對象的整體自尊和自尊五大組成要素均為中間偏正向。在自尊五大組成要素中,歸屬感的得分最高,其次依序是使命感、能力感、安全感及自我感。 二、研究對象與重要他人的情感關係皆為中間偏向親密的情形,並以與同儕情感關係最高,母親情感關係次之,而父親情感關係最低。 三、研究對象的整體自尊上,七年級高於八年級、學業成就前三分之一者高於後三分之一者、父親教育程度大專以上者高於父親教育程度為國高中職者、母親教育程度大專以上者高於母親教育程度為國小以下者。 四、自尊五大組成要素方面,女生的歸屬感、能力感與使命感高於男生;七年級學生的安全感、自我感及能力感高於八年級學生;學業成就前三分之一者的歸屬感與能力感高於學業成就後三分之一者;男生成熟組的能力感高於男生未熟組;女生未熟組的自尊五大組成要素皆高於女生成熟組;父親教育程度大專以上者的自我感、歸屬感與使命感高於父親教育程度國小以下者;母親教育程度大專以上者的自我感、歸屬感則高於母親教育程度國小以下者。 五、重要他人情感關係與整體自尊、自尊五大組成要素均呈顯著正相關。其中與父母情感關係相關性最強的是安全感,而與同儕情感關係相關性最強的則是歸屬感。 六、個人背景因素與重要他人情感關係皆能顯著預測男生組的自尊現況。其中同儕情感關係對男生的整體自尊、安全感、自我感及歸屬感的影響力最大,學業成就則對能力感的影響最大,與母親情感關係則對使命感影響最大。 七、個人背景因素與重要他人情感關係除使命感外皆能顯著預測女生組的自尊現況。其中學業成就對女生的整體自尊影響最大,與母親情感關係則對安全感和能力感的影響力最大,同儕情感關係則對自我感與歸屬感影響最大。 最後,依據研究結果進行討論,並分別針對實務工作與未來研究提出建議。
The purposes of this study were to investigate self-esteem of junior high school students and related factors. By using crowd random sampling method, 374 of valid samples of the seventh and the eighth grade students selected from a junior high school in Taipei city were surveyed with a self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. The level of subjects’ global self-esteem and the 5 ingredients of self-esteem were above average. Among the 5 ingredients of self-esteem, the highest was affiliation, followed by mission, competence, security and selfhood in order. 2. The relationships with significant others were above average. The relationship with classmates was the closest, then the relationship with mother. 3. The global self-esteem was significantly correlated with grades, scholastic competence, and father’s and mother’s education levels. 4. The five ingredients of self-esteem were significantly correlated with gender, grades, scholastic competence, maturity, and father’s and mother’s education levels. 5. There were positive correlations among relationships with significant others, global self-esteem and the five ingredients of self-esteem. 6. Personal background factors and relationships with significant others could predict males’ self-esteem. 7. Personal background factors and relationships with significant others could predict females’ self-esteem except mission. At the end of this thesis, these results were discussed and suggestions for education and further studies.



國中生, 自尊, 自尊組成要素, 重要他人, junior high school students, self-esteem, the five ingredients of self-esteem, significant others





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