
dc.contributorHu, Ru-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLo, Chun-Shengen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的在於探討臺北市合作式技藝教育學程學生學習動機,並探討不同背景變項對學習動機之影響,最後根據研究結果提出具體建議,以作為相關單位參考之依據。 本研究是以103學年度第2學期經由臺北市教育局審查通過辦理合作式技藝教育學程之21所高職學校為母群體,共發出641份問卷為研究樣本,有效回收問卷共599份。資料分析採用平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析,加以分析與討論,並獲得以下結論: 壹、國中技藝教育學程學習動機趨於積極且正向。各構面的平均數而言,學生對於「成就動機」知覺最高,其次為「學習價值」。 貳、國中技藝教育班學習動機,會因部分背景變項之不同而有顯著差異。 一、男生與女生在學習動機並無顯著差異。 二、不同學業成績之國中技藝教育學程,在學習動機變項上有顯著差異。以學業成績69~60分的學生學習動機較積極。 三、不同職群類科之國中技藝教育學程在學習動機變項皆未達顯著差異。 四、不同升學目標之學生在學習動機變項,所有構面皆達顯著差異。其中升讀實用技能學程學生的學習動機最高。 五、不同家長教育程度與職業在學習動機變項並無顯著差異。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate the students’ learning motivation in Taipei City Cooperative Technique Education Program and to discuss the influence of different background variables on students’ learning motivation. Finally, some concrete suggestions will be provided based on this study and serve as notice-worth information for the authorities concerned. In the second semester of the 103th school year, 21 vocational high schools, examined by Department of Education, Taipei City Government, were authorized to implement cooperative technique education program. Twenty-one schools were sampled and 641 survey questionnaires were issued in this research and 599 valid questionnaires were collected. The data were analyzed and discussed via statistic methods, including average, standard deviation, t-test, and one way ANOVA. The conclusion are as following: I.In the cooperative technique education program, students learning motivation tends to be more positive and aggressive. Based on the average of the analyzed variables, the students’ highest perception is the “motivation of accomplishment”, and the second one is the “value of learning”. II.In the cooperative technique education program, there is significant difference in students’ learning motivation because of some background variables. i)There is no significant difference in students’ learning motivation at the variable of genders. ii)There is significant difference in learning motivation because of different academic achievement in the cooperative technique education program. With the academic grades between 60 and 69, the students have the most aggressive learning motivation. iii)There is no significant difference in learning motivation for the students in different programs. iv)On the variable of different future educational goals, there is no significant difference in students’ learning motivation examined by each dimension. However, students, choosing to continue the program of practical technique, have the highest learning motivation. v)There isno significant difference in students’ learning motivation at the variable of parents’ educational background and occupations.en_US
dc.subjectTechnique educational programen_US
dc.subjectlearning motivationen_US
dc.titleA Study of Learning Motivation of Cooperative Technical-Art Education Students in Taipeien_US

