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本行動研究旨在探討多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域之教學歷程與實施成效,並了解多元性別教學方案對學生破除性別刻板印象之想法及建立尊重認同多元性別之態度。為達上述目的,本研究以山城國中(化名)九年級三個班級78名學生為課程實施對象,共進行十一堂「多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域」。本行動研究的研究工具為課堂觀察記錄、教師教學省思日誌、學生非正式訪談記錄、活動課程學習單、學生回饋表等質性資料為主,並針對學生回饋表中閉鎖性題目進行基本量化統計分析。 根據資料分析結果,本研究主要發現如下: 一、實施「多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域」,讓學生對性別刻板印象觀感有所省思與改變。 二、實施「多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域」,對學生多元性別尊重與認同態度的養成具有正向影響。 三、實施「多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域」,凸顯校園性別平等教育議題的重要性。 四、實施「多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域」,影響學生性別平等教育學習成效。 五、學生普遍對「多元性別教學方案融入國中綜合活動領域」持正向積極的回饋。 根據上述研究發現,本研究擬提出以下建議: 一、課程實施方面:課程內容質重於量,同時應考慮潛在課程的重要性。 二、教師方面:教師可善用領域時間,與同領域教師共同研發教材,並培養開放、多元的性別價值觀。 三、未來研究方面:研擬「國中生多元性別態度與行為量表」,以測得較具客觀性的結果。
The purpose of this action research was to investigate the feasibility of the integration of Multi-dimensional gender teaching program into “Integrative Activities” curriculum in junior high schools. Also, it was making efforts to eradicate students gender stereotype, and to establish multi-dimensional gender attitude. The 11 Integrative Activities courses of gendering teaching were administered to 78 9th graders in Mountain Junior High School. The researcher collected and analyzed the following qualitative data: classroom observation records, teacher’s self-examination records, students’ informal interview records, students’ feedback and worksheets. Besides, the statistical techniques were used to compute the quantitative data which was collected from the closed questions in students’ feedback sheets. According to the results, the major findings included: 1.After administering the curriculum, most of the participants changed their opinions of gender stereotype. 2.After administering the curriculum, most of the participants have built positive attitudes to multi-dimensional gender issues. 3.After administering the curriculum, the importance of gender equity education issues was emphasized in the high school campus. 4.After the administering curriculum, great effects were found on the students’ gender equity education. 5.Most students responded positively and aggressively to the Multi-dimensional gender teaching program into “Integrative Activities” curriculum. According to the above findings, the suggestions were made by the researcher: 1.Course Execution:teachers must focus on the content qualities, furthermore; teachers must pay attention to hidden curriculum. 2.Teacher:teachers can make good use of domain time to research and develop teaching materials with the teaching team. Moreover, teachers have to grow open-mind and multi- dimensional gender values. 3.For future research:researchers can develop “The Inventory of Multi- dimensional Gender Attitude and Behavior of Junior High School Students” to survey more objective result.



性別平等教育, 性別刻板印象, 多元性別特質, 多元性別教學方案, Gender Equity Education, Gender stereotype, Multi-dimensional gender characteristic, Multi-dimensional Gender Teaching Program





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