

本研究旨在探討高職機械科「專題製作」課程創造思考教學對學生創造力與創新設計能力的影響,並分析學生對創造思考教學的學習反應。為達成研究目的,本研究首先透過文獻探討,並編寫融入創新發明教材的創造思考教學教案,做為創造思考教學教材。 本研究採準實驗設計中的「不相等前後測控制組設計」,以台北市立大安高工機械科九十學年度三年級學生為研究對象,隨機選取並分派二班,一班為實驗組,接受創造思考教學課程的教學;另一班為控制組,實施傳統的教學方法,進行十六週之實驗教學,並於結束後將所得資料以單因子多變項共變數分析進行統計,同時分析整理教室觀察資料,研究結果發現: 一、接受專題製作課程創造思考教學的實驗組學生,在圖形創造思考能力、語文創造思考能力分數,未優於控制組。 二、接受專題製作課程創造思考教學的實驗組學生,在創新設計能力分數,明顯優於控制組。 三、接受專題製作課程創造思考教學的實驗組學生,在創新設計能力分數,明顯優於控制組。顯示專題製作實習創造思考教學融入創新發明教材確實能夠提昇學生創新設計能力之成效。 四、接受創造思考教學之實驗組學生對實驗課程呈現正面的反應,顯示學生都喜愛創造思考教學的實施。 五、接受專題製作課程創造思考教學的實驗組學生,無論是師生間或同儕間的互動明顯增加了。 六、接受專題製作課程創造思考教學的實驗組學生受班級特質、師生互動、學習環境與教師教學風格的影響。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出對課程、教學及對未來研究之建議。
Abstract This research is to determine the influence of Creative Thinking in Teaching Materials of Project on the creative thinking ability, design capability among Vocational High Schools students, and to analysis students’ learning reactions about the creative-thinking teaching. After large amounts of literature reviewing, this study is complied creative-thinking teaching plan with Innovative Invention. This research adopt the “nonequivalent pretest –posttest control group design in quasi-experiment design. The subjects of research is the students of 1nd graders in 90 school year of Taipei Municipal Ta-an senior Vocational High School. Two classes was picked up randomly. One of them is experiment group, who accepts the curriculums design of creative-thinking teaching and the other one is control group with conventional teaching method. The experiment lasted for 16 weeks. The data obtained were conducted with statistical analysis in one-way multivariate analysis of covariance, and one-way multivariate analysis of variance the difference in work design production ability scores at the end of the semester. The findings of the research are: 1. The experiment group students who accepts creative thinking teaching of junior high school students living technology curriculums are significantly better than the control group in scores of graphic creative thinking ability. 2. The experiment group students who accepts creative thinking teaching of junior high school students living technology curriculums are significantly better than the control group in scores of language creative thinking ability. 3. The learning reactions in experiment group students who accepts creative thinking teaching of junior high school students living technology curriculums are positive and favored. 4. The experiment group students who accepts creative thinking teaching of junior high school students living technology curriculums are significantly ability checking list. 5. The experiment group students who appreciated in “mutual activities of teachers and students”,” mutual activities of classmate” 6. The results of this Teaching affected by teaching environment ,atmosphere of the classroom.,the teacher’ individual character and individual teaching style. Basedon the results of this study, some suggestions for the content of teaching curriculum and for future research were proposed for reference.



創造力, 創造思考教學, 創新設計能力, Creativity, Creative Thinking Teaching, Design Capability





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