
dc.contributorBin Ien_US
dc.contributor.authorMewo Loen_US
dc.description.abstract圖畫書在台發展之關鍵可從1998年幾米作品微笑的魚、森林裡的秘密問世展開,打破圖畫書專為兒童而畫之限,正式邁入成人市場。圖畫書不論在文學性或是藝術性,皆可將其視為成人讀物,而非傳統僅僅歸納於兒童文學之侷限。針對九十九學年度全台地區之社區大學所開設的課程中,調查將圖畫書運用於課堂之課程內容,並進一步針對課程開設普及率與圖畫書在課程中的應用面作調查與分析,提出現況說明及討論,旨在了解圖畫書在成人教育中之運用現況,為本研究之最終目的。 本論文採用教育部數字看社大一文中98學年列出的93所社區大學,進一步資料統整出教育部99年度統計登記有案的94社區大學,經過網路資料蒐集、招生文宣蒐集以及電話訪查後,整理出有開設圖畫書相關課程的為32所,開設比例為三成四。從一萬多門課程中調查出有69門和圖畫書相關之課程開設,經過網路資料查詢與電話訪問確認後得知,成功開設率為五成,若依照地區分別累計,南區課程開設成功率高北區,南區為七成,北區為五成六,最低的中區僅二成二。前述兩項數據經過蒐集與了解,並無相關文獻可供參考,因此本調查可謂為開台灣成人圖畫書教育紀錄文史之先。 日本文學家柳田邦男在繪本之力一書中提出人生中的「三讀繪本」,社區大學的社群高度符合「育兒階段」(20至45歲)與「進入人生後半階段」(40歲以上)兩大族群,而南、北兩區的高開設成功率數據更支持了台灣成人是願意接受圖畫書在教學上應用的方式;因此,期望根據此研究結果能支持正在台灣各處默默推廣成人閱讀圖畫書的學者、教育家、圖畫書推廣民間人士一份具有數據量化下為根基之有效文獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe key for picture books to open its market in Taiwan can be said to start with the release of Jimmy Liao’s A Fish with A Smile and Secrets In The Forest in 1998. The limitation of picture books being only for children was broken and picture books were officially introduced to the adult market. Whether in view of the literariness or the artistry, picture books should be seen as adult books and should not be limited down to being children’s literature only as in the old days. In terms of the courses in community colleges in Taiwan during the 2010 academic year, the contents of courses that used picture books were investigated and further investigation and analysis were carried out on the prevalence rate of the courses opened and the application of picture books in the courses. The current status was described and discussed with the aim to understand the application status of picture books in adult education, for which it was also the ultimate goal of the research. In the thesis, 93 community colleges listed in Community College Statistics published by Ministry of Education in 1998 academic year were used to find out there were 94 community colleges registered under the Ministry of Education in 1999. After collecting information on the Internet, collecting student recruitment handouts and conducting telephone interviews, it was found that a total 32 community colleges offered courses relating to picture books, and the offering ratio was 34%. From more than 10,000 courses, it was found that there were 69 courses that were relating to picture books. After searching on the Internet and confirming by telephone interviews, it was found that the successful class-opening rate was 50%. Moreover, if viewing the class-opening rate according to location, the successful class-opening rate was higher in southern Taiwan than in northern Taiwan. The successful class-opening rate in southern Taiwan was 70% and was 56% in northern Taiwan. In central Taiwan, the successful class-opening rate was only 22%. After searching and exploring, there was no previous literature that can be referred to for the two data described above. Thus, this research can be said to be the first literature on adult picture book education in Taiwan. In Ehon no chikara, co-written by Japanese writer Kunio Yanagida, it mentioned the “picture book that is to be read three times in life.” The community height of community college meets people in the “parenting stage”(20–45 years old) and “later life stage” (40 years and older). Moreover, the high successful class-opening rates in southern and northern Taiwan greatly supported that the adults in Taiwan were willing to accept the application of picture books in education. Thus, it is hoped that the research result may support scholars, educators and picture book promoters who silently promote adult books in Taiwan and that an effective paper with quantitative data may be provided to them to refer to.en_US
dc.subjectPicture booken_US
dc.subjectAdult educationen_US
dc.subjectAdult booken_US
dc.titleThe Investigation of Picture-Book Related Curriculum in Taiwan Adult Education - Community Colleges in Taiwan during 2010 Academic Yearen_US

