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全球軍事人員體重超重愈益嚴重,近年台灣軍人身體質量指數(BMI)逐年攀升,異常人數已超過萬人,在軍事訓練執行中存有極高的傷害風險。透過穿戴式裝置輔助量化身體活動量強度(運動負荷Player Load, PL),同時達成BMI改善,降低因異常所衍生國安危機。目的:應用穿戴裝置結合慣性感測器(IMU)與光體積變化描記器 (Photoplethysmography, PPG)系統,量化不同BMI軍人其身體活動量之差異,由監控操作身體活動量強度負荷改善軍人BMI,提供未來制定國軍訓練處方之依據。方法:受測者均進行身體組成(InBody 270)和運動表現(體能三項測驗:伏地挺身、仰臥起坐及3000公尺跑步) 前、後檢測,實驗期間皆配戴使用多功能智慧穿戴裝置,實施心率和身體活動量強度(PL)監測與介入。第一階段實驗,招募62位軍人,BMI正常30位(18.5 kg/m2 ≤ BMI<28 kg/m2)與過重32位(BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2)兩組,進行四週監測實驗組與對照組其身體活動量強度的差異,將結果作為實驗二身體活動量強度之操作基準。第二階段實驗,操作、監控身體活動量強度改善軍事人員之BMI,招募60位軍人(BMI ≥ 28kg/m2),隨機分實驗組(控制每日身體活動量)與對照組(不控制身體活動量)各30位。結果:本研究結果,第一階段,InBody 細項指數與身體活動量強度具有顯著差異。第二階段,經過四週監測和身體活動量強度介入,InBody細項指數與國軍體能三項表現,具有顯著差異。結論:運用IMU與PPG系統即時監控身體活動量強度,有效量化不同BMI軍人每日身體活動量強度之差異。經由身體活動量訓練處方介入與監控平台管理,有效改善國軍人員身體質量指數。
Overweight problem among worldwide military personnel is growing. In recent years, BMIs of Taiwan military personnel have been increasing and the abnormal population has exceeded 10,000. It will affect military training outcomes and combat performance. Objective: 1) To apply a wearable device with inertial sensor (IMU) and a photoplethysmography (PPG) system to quantify the difference of physical activity between soldiers with different BMIs, and 2) to improve the BMIs of soldiers by monitoring the external exercise load (Player Load, PL). The results of this study provide the basis for future formulation of military training prescriptions. Method: In Study 1, 62 soldiers were divided into normal group (n = 30, 18.5 kg/m2 ≤ BMI<28 kg/m2) and overweight group (n = 32, BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2) and measured their exercise load (PL) for four weeks. The exercise loads (PLs) in groups were used as a reference for the Study 2. In Study 2, 60 soldiers (BMI ≥ 28kg/m2) were randomly divided into experimental group (n = 30, set daily exercise goals and remind them to reach the goals) and control group (n = 30, no intervention) for four weeks of training. The smart wearable devices with IMU and PPG were used to monitor the exercise load(PL) and heart rate during 4 weeks in Study 1 and 2. The body composition (InBody 270) and the army physical fitness (push-ups, sit-ups and 3000-meter running) were tested before and after four weeks of intervention. Results: The results of Study 1 showed the significant differences in body composition (InBody) and exercise loads (PL) between normal and overweight group. In Study 2, experimental group significantly improved the body composition (InBody) and the army physical fitness performances. Conclusion: Using the real-time monitoring system with IMU and PPG to monitor the exercise load (PL) can effectively quantify the difference in daily physical activity between military with different BMIs. The BMI of Taiwan military personnel can be effectively improved through the intervention of physical activity training prescription and monitoring management platform.



訓練負荷, 運動強度, 慣性感測器, 軍事科學, training load, exercise intensity, IMU, military science





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