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本研究旨在探討不同背景高中職體育教師教學信念與教學承諾之現況、差異、關係及預測力。本研究以問卷調查的方式,採分層隨機叢集抽樣選取北部地區高中職體育教師,共發放367份問卷,有效回收325份,有效回收率89%。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸進行統計分析,顯著水準訂在α = .05,研究結果發現高中職體育教師: 一、教學信念呈現良好情形,不同背景變項之間無顯著差異。 二、教學承諾呈現良好情形,男教師在忠誠與額外投入層面高於女教師、教師兼任組長在忠誠層面高於專任教師、教育程度研究所以上在額外投入層面高於大學。 三、教學信念與教學承諾間,有顯著正相關,其中以「師生互動」對「認同」相關最高。 四、教學信念對教學承諾具有正向預測力,其中以「師生互動」對「認同」預測力最大。 基於上述之研究結果,提出以下建議: 一、學校應安排教師合適職務、鼓勵進修以提高教師教學信念。 二、教師應抱持正向態度與提升自我能力,並籌組專業發展社群以提高教師教學信念。 三、師資培育單位應更注意教師教學信念的培育。 四、加入質性研究方法,質量並行進行深入探討。 五、對不同地區及不同階段之體育教師進行研究。
This study aims to explore the current situations, discrepancies, relationships, and predictability between teaching beliefs and teaching commitment of senior high school and vocational high school physical education teachers in different backgrounds. Participants were senior high school and vocational high school physical education teachers in north Taiwan. Questionnaire surveys were applied to collect the data. Based on cluster sampling analysis, a total 367 questionnaires were distributed in which 325 were valid ones. By Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples t-test, One-way Analysis of Variance, Pearson’s Correlation, and Multiple Stepwise Regression Analysis, the findings are as follows: 1. Teachers behave in good manners on teaching beliefs. There are not significant differences among teachers with different backgrounds. 2. Teachers behave in good manners on teaching commitment. The levels of male teachers’ work loyalty and extra work engagement of teaching commitment were higher than those of female teachers; the level of director teachers’ work loyalty was higher than that of teachers; the level of extra work engagement of the teachers with higher education was higher than that of the teachers with university degree. 3. There are significant correlations between each dimension of teacher teaching beliefs and teaching commitment. The ‘teacher-student interaction’ showed higher correlation with ‘approval’ than other variables. 4. Teaching beliefs give the positive predictive power toward teaching commitment. Besides, ‘teacher-student interaction’ had higher predictability to ‘approval’ than other variables. Based on the findings, the following suggestions: Firstly, from the aspect of school, in order to improve teaching beliefs schools should give supports for relevant research studies, suitable job arrangement, training encouragement, and abundant resources. In addition, for teachers themselves, there are three approaches they could enhance teaching beliefs: holding a positive attitude, upgrading self-development, and organizing a professional development community. Thirdly, it is necessary to pay more attention to cultivate teachers’ teaching beliefs in the center of teacher education. Furthermore, inserting qualitative research method for discussing an issue deeply and widely could increase quality and quantity of the outcome of an issue. Finally, conducing continuous study of different stages of physical education teacher and different areas is strongly recommended.



高級中學, 高級職業學校, 體育教師, 教學信念, 教學承諾, Senior High School, Vocational High School, Physical Education Teacher, Teaching Beliefs, Teaching Commitment





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