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目前智慧型手機的發展蓬勃,普及率也日漸提高,不論是硬體或是軟體技術都越來越進步。目前手持裝置上有許多感應器可以取得使用者周遭的環境資訊,再加上wifi、3G等連線功能,使得我們可以發展有如隨身行動助理般的情境感知(Context Aware)功能。情境感知的最主要目的是讓手持裝置更加的智慧化,盡量的減少使用者的輸入,主動提供使用者最需要的資訊、服務,以解決手持裝置上輸入不易、顯示螢幕尺寸小帶來的不便。
Recently the trend of smart phone is booming and its penetration rate is rising. The smart phone related technologies are progressing very fast. Currently, context aware services based on hand-held sensor devices which can obtain the user’s context information are getting popular and are used as a mobile assistant. The main purpose of context awareness is to make handheld devices be more intelligent, which includes reducing the need of user input as much as possible and providing users the most needed information and services. The development of a context aware system includes two parts: first is to obtain the context information from sensors, second is to execute the context reasoning process. In this study, we use ontology to describe the environment according to different scenes and modes, in addition, rule-based reasoning based on SWRL rules is established to achieve context reasoning. Finally, the reasoning results derived from the SWRL rule engine can be used to call the predefined services in different scenario. In our system, both ontology and SWRL rules are based on OWL language. We also develop a graphic user interface to provide the user to monitor the progress of context scenario including the context information, service information, or action of the user.
Recently the trend of smart phone is booming and its penetration rate is rising. The smart phone related technologies are progressing very fast. Currently, context aware services based on hand-held sensor devices which can obtain the user’s context information are getting popular and are used as a mobile assistant. The main purpose of context awareness is to make handheld devices be more intelligent, which includes reducing the need of user input as much as possible and providing users the most needed information and services. The development of a context aware system includes two parts: first is to obtain the context information from sensors, second is to execute the context reasoning process. In this study, we use ontology to describe the environment according to different scenes and modes, in addition, rule-based reasoning based on SWRL rules is established to achieve context reasoning. Finally, the reasoning results derived from the SWRL rule engine can be used to call the predefined services in different scenario. In our system, both ontology and SWRL rules are based on OWL language. We also develop a graphic user interface to provide the user to monitor the progress of context scenario including the context information, service information, or action of the user.
智慧型手機, 情境感知, 本體論, SWRL規則, smart phone, context aware, ontology, SWRL rule