

本研究旨在探討大學校院甲組桌球選手生涯發展情形及對生涯輔導之需求,並經由不同背景變項之分析,比較其生涯發展情形及生涯輔導需求程度之差異,同時探討生涯發展與生涯輔導需求兩者之間是否相關。透過問卷調查,以參加2006年大專校院運動會桌球甲組之選手為研究對象,總計發放278份問卷,有效回收問卷211份。問卷結果採描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及典型相關進行統計分析後,針對調查結果選取5名受訪者,進行訪談。將研究結果綜整討論後,獲致以下結論: 一、大學階段之選手處於生涯探索期,故對生涯及環境探索之發展較佳,卻因長久皆接受教練及父母之安排,於生涯定向及決定之發展較差,而為日後生涯能有最佳之發展,對各項生涯輔導之需求皆大。 二、受到運動環境發展之限制,且各學校、科系性質與所需知識不 同,以及就業市場生態改變,不同性別、就讀學校、科系及教育 學程之選手,其生涯發展與輔導需求有顯著差異。 三、大學校院甲組桌球選手生涯發展與生涯輔導需求之間呈現正相關,且生涯發展中之「環境探索」、「生涯探索」及「生涯定向」分別為影響「生涯準備」、「自我探索」及「生涯規劃」輔導需求之主要因素。
The purpose of this study is to confer university and college (Division A) table tennis player’s career development and counseling demand. Through different background analysis of variables and comparison of divergence of their career development and counseling demand, conference of both correlations will be undertaken. With questionnaire, 278 copies have been issued and 211 effective copies retrieved. According to descriptive statistics, single factor variance and typical related model, further discussion with five interviewees have been proceeded. After integration and discussion, following conclusion has been obtained: 1) Due to university and college players are in career exploration, their development is better while those with long-term coach and parents’ arrangement formed worse career direction and decision of development. However, in order to the best development afterward, various career counseling demand are needed. 2) As restriction of athletics environment and knowledge difference of each school, as well as change of ecological market, different gender and school, players have obvious variation of career and counseling requirements. 3) University and college (Division A) table tennis player’s career development and counseling demand have been presented positive relations. Among career development,「environment exploration」, 「career exploration」 and 「career direction」 will influence (career preparation), (self-exploration) and (career planning).



大學校院甲組桌球選手, 生涯發展, 生涯輔導, University and College (Division A) table tennis player, career development, career counseling





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