研究工具為自編之「高職工業類科學生對實習場所安全衛生經營績效之調查問卷」,以臺灣地區 36 所公私立高職工業類科日間部學生為調查樣本。資料統計方式係採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析法及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法,經資料分析後,本研究歸納如下結論:
This study is aimed at probing into the present situations and problems of management performance for vocational industrial high school students to practice safe and hygiene of workshop factory. The study further investigates and discusses the concrete practicable suggestions for the managing performance of workshop safety and hygiene. For the purpose of the study, literature of relative studies is reviewed and analyzed to discuss the findings of previous studies, and also to construct the theoretical basis for this present study. For data collection, the study adopts a questionnaire investigation. The questionnaire is a list of self-edited questions to examine the management performance of workshop safety and hygiene for vocational industrial high school students. The samples of the questionnaire are day-division students from 36 public and private vocational industrial high schools. For data analysis, Descriptive statistics is adopted in analyzing the results and the findings. The data is conducted with Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test and One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlations. Based on data analysis, the findings are concluded as follows: 1. For the rate of accidents, the rate of accidents for students of electric machinery and electronics major is the highest, while the level of injury for students of machinery major is most serious. 2. For different aspects of safe and hygiene, the score of the attitude on safety and hygiene is the highest. The runner-up is the score of the educational training of safety and hygiene. The next is the score of the management of school safety and hygiene. The score of facilities of safety and hygiene is the lowest. 3. For students who have been leaders in charge of workshop safety and hygiene, the scores of management performance between them and other general students show significance. 4. For students who havetaken courses in workshop safety and hygiene, the scores of management performance between them and other general students, who have not taken the courses, show significance. 5. The overall management performance of safety and hygiene shows positive correlations with the other aspects. And the difference shows significance.
This study is aimed at probing into the present situations and problems of management performance for vocational industrial high school students to practice safe and hygiene of workshop factory. The study further investigates and discusses the concrete practicable suggestions for the managing performance of workshop safety and hygiene. For the purpose of the study, literature of relative studies is reviewed and analyzed to discuss the findings of previous studies, and also to construct the theoretical basis for this present study. For data collection, the study adopts a questionnaire investigation. The questionnaire is a list of self-edited questions to examine the management performance of workshop safety and hygiene for vocational industrial high school students. The samples of the questionnaire are day-division students from 36 public and private vocational industrial high schools. For data analysis, Descriptive statistics is adopted in analyzing the results and the findings. The data is conducted with Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, T-test and One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlations. Based on data analysis, the findings are concluded as follows: 1. For the rate of accidents, the rate of accidents for students of electric machinery and electronics major is the highest, while the level of injury for students of machinery major is most serious. 2. For different aspects of safe and hygiene, the score of the attitude on safety and hygiene is the highest. The runner-up is the score of the educational training of safety and hygiene. The next is the score of the management of school safety and hygiene. The score of facilities of safety and hygiene is the lowest. 3. For students who have been leaders in charge of workshop safety and hygiene, the scores of management performance between them and other general students show significance. 4. For students who havetaken courses in workshop safety and hygiene, the scores of management performance between them and other general students, who have not taken the courses, show significance. 5. The overall management performance of safety and hygiene shows positive correlations with the other aspects. And the difference shows significance.
實習場所, 安全衛生, 經營績效, workshop, safety and hygiene, management performance