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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
這是本研究的第二年研究,主要的研究目的是評估急救自我導向學習課程的短期 及長期效果。 以問卷收集自我導向學習組、教師導向教學組、對照組學童母親在課程前、 課程結束後半年( 86 年 11 月)、課程結束一年後( 87 年 5 月)的資料; 共取得有完 整前測、課程結束後半年資料者 388 人,有完整前測、課程結束一年後資料者 380 人。主 要的研究結果如下: ( 1 )自我導向學習組及教師導向教學組之急救知識、急救態度、自 評急救技術、自我導向學習傾向皆有顯著的短期效果, ( 2 )兩組之急救知識、自評急救 技術皆有顯著的長期效果, ( 3 )自我導向學習組在自評急救技術上的短期、長期效果均 優於教師導向教學組。
The study was the second year of the project. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term and long-term effects of the self-directed first-aid learning course. Data were collected by using questionnaires to survey the schoolchildren's mothers of three groups: the self-directed learning group, traditional teaching group and control group. Tests were conducted before the course, six months after the course and one year after the course. Totally there were 388 valid samples who took both pre-test and six-months post-test, and 380 valid samples who took both pre-test and one-year post-test. Major findings were as follows: (l)The short-term effects of first-aid knowledge, first-aid attitude , first-aid self- evaluation skills and the SDLRS of first aid in both self-directed learning group and traditional teaching group were improved significantly. (2) The long-term effects of first-aid knowledge and first-aid self-evaluation skills in both self-directed learning group and traditional teaching group were improved significantly. (3)The short-term and long-term effects of first-aid self-evaluation skills in the self-directed learning group were much better than those in the traditional teaching group.
The study was the second year of the project. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term and long-term effects of the self-directed first-aid learning course. Data were collected by using questionnaires to survey the schoolchildren's mothers of three groups: the self-directed learning group, traditional teaching group and control group. Tests were conducted before the course, six months after the course and one year after the course. Totally there were 388 valid samples who took both pre-test and six-months post-test, and 380 valid samples who took both pre-test and one-year post-test. Major findings were as follows: (l)The short-term effects of first-aid knowledge, first-aid attitude , first-aid self- evaluation skills and the SDLRS of first aid in both self-directed learning group and traditional teaching group were improved significantly. (2) The long-term effects of first-aid knowledge and first-aid self-evaluation skills in both self-directed learning group and traditional teaching group were improved significantly. (3)The short-term and long-term effects of first-aid self-evaluation skills in the self-directed learning group were much better than those in the traditional teaching group.