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Pamela Pui-Wan Leung
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National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
「成果導向學習」是源自西方的教育理念,在中文學科實施的先例並不多見;要同一學系內全體教師參與先導實踐,更不是易事。為此,本研究報告的是一所香港高等院校中文學科的教學實踐經驗。通過對照修訂前後的科目教學大綱,輔以師生對教學嘗試的迴響,本研究採用質量並重的內容分析法,剖析「成果導向學習」對提升教學素質的作用。研究發現.I 成果導向學習」強調落實學習成果、教學活動與評估的緊密聯繫,較傳統的教學模式更能為學生提供優質學習經驗。要維持優質課程,辦學機構必須支援教師的持續專業發展,並注意在追求素質保證與教師自主之間取得平衡;而教師則要不斷反思,調節教學安排,力求貫通課程各層面的預期學習成果,以訂定適量而有效的評估設計。
“Outcome-based learning" (OBL) is a western approach to education and has not been widely adopted in Chinese teaching practices. Few precedents of Chinese OBL programs have been found in the literature and engaging entire teaching staff in the same department for piloting this approach is difficult. Therefore, this study describes how a higher education institution in Hong Kong promoted OBL to Chinese students. We compared pre. and post-revision course outlines and feedback obtained from teachers and students in the experiment and adopted qualitative and quantitative content analysis methods to examine the effects of OBL on enhancing teaching quality. The findings indicated that the influence of OBL on the close alignment of learning outcomes, teaching activities, and assessments has facilitated improved student learning experiences more than traditional teaching approaches have. To sustain a quality OBL program, institutions should support the ongoing professional development of teachers and maintain a balance between quality assurance and teacher autonomy. In addition, teachers should consider their daily practices, adjust various teaching arrangements, ensure that expected learning outcomes based on various program aspects are aligned, and establish appropriate and effective assessments.
“Outcome-based learning" (OBL) is a western approach to education and has not been widely adopted in Chinese teaching practices. Few precedents of Chinese OBL programs have been found in the literature and engaging entire teaching staff in the same department for piloting this approach is difficult. Therefore, this study describes how a higher education institution in Hong Kong promoted OBL to Chinese students. We compared pre. and post-revision course outlines and feedback obtained from teachers and students in the experiment and adopted qualitative and quantitative content analysis methods to examine the effects of OBL on enhancing teaching quality. The findings indicated that the influence of OBL on the close alignment of learning outcomes, teaching activities, and assessments has facilitated improved student learning experiences more than traditional teaching approaches have. To sustain a quality OBL program, institutions should support the ongoing professional development of teachers and maintain a balance between quality assurance and teacher autonomy. In addition, teachers should consider their daily practices, adjust various teaching arrangements, ensure that expected learning outcomes based on various program aspects are aligned, and establish appropriate and effective assessments.