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National Taiwan Normal University


學習共同體作為改變教育現場的一項取徑,在臺灣已實施數年。本研究以自願參與教育部「學習領導下的學習共同體」計畫之試辦學校為對象,探討學校發展為學習共同體的程度,以及學習共同體促動學校產生變革的情形。針對32所中小學,採問卷調查法進行研究。結果顯示,試辦學校經過1 年的試作後,教師對自己學校具有學習共同體特徵,展現正向知覺。在四項落實學習共同體特徵(構面)的得分上,以「願景與認同」最高;其次為「變革的學習」、「支持性與分散性領導」與「分享的個人實務」。而教師參與學習共同體的研討與實作經驗愈多,學校愈能彰顯學習共同體的特徵。另對於學校變革的影響,學習共同體特徵之一的「願景與認同」未具顯著解釋力;「分享的個人實務」對於三項學校變革(教師的課堂教學、教師的專業學習及學校發展力)保持一貫的影響力;「支持性與分散性領導」與「變革的學習」則各對教師的專業學習、學校發展力發揮促進作用。此研究結果除呈現學校在學習共同體各構面的落實情形,也揭示了學校要能產生變革,需要掌握的學習共同體之關鍵要素。
The learning community, as an approach to influencing changes in schools, has been implemented for several years in Taiwan. To explore how a school develops itself as a learning community and how the learning community triggers changes in the school, the study recruited schools voluntarily attending the MOE-funded project titled “Learning Community under Leadership for Learning” as subjects. A survey was conducted in the 32 participatory schools. The study results indicated that teachers had positive perceptions regarding their schools with features of the learning community. Among the four features (dimensions) of the learning community, “vision and recognition” was ranked as the top feature, followed by “learning for change,” “supportive and distributed leadership,” and “shared personal practice.” In addition, the higher the level of project participation, the more schools exhibited features of the learning community. Moreover, regarding the influence of the learning community on changes in schools, this study revealed that “vision and recognition” had no significant impact, while “shared personal practice” consistently exerted an effect on teachers’ classroom teaching methods and professional learning, and the capacity for school development. “Supportive and distributed leadership” and “learning for change” influenced teachers’ professional learning and the capacity for school development, respectively. The aforementioned results revealed how schools establish themselves as learning communities. Furthermore, the results revealed the vital elements of the learning community that might influence changes in school.






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