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當重大事件發生,全球不少媒體同步從電視、電台、網路提供24小時直播訊息,閱聽眾已不再只是從電視、定時定點來獲取新聞內容,而是可能在行進中、隨時隨地在網路上,以手機或平板電腦來收看。這是數位匯流帶來的改變,也提供媒體機構創新發展的機會。尤其,當電視新聞的播映受眾逐漸轉向從網路收看新聞報導,電視台在新聞播映方面該有何策略因應,在數位匯流持續發展的當前,更是極為重要,也值得深入探究。 為探討數位匯流環境下頻道電視新聞播映策略,本研究採深度訪談的方式,對電視台決策主管及參與策略執行的專職人員進行訪談,以了解數位匯流對頻道電視新聞播映帶來的改變、數位匯流環境下頻道電視新聞播映策略的規劃、以及數位匯流環境下頻道電視新聞播映策略的實施成效。 研究發現,數位匯流環境下頻道電視新聞播映主要受到的影響包括收視群流失、年輕觀眾減少、播映管道呈現多元發展與新舊融合;而播映內容更即時呈現與納入網路素材;電視台在新聞播映策略的規劃以維持營利為主要目標,並要積極擴散訊息及強化內容;策略的執行方面則是開源節流,尋求跨業合作與內部資源整合;並運用科技,加強播映技術與施行員工訓練;也以力推直播、報導差異化、播映內容重製上網與利用主播行銷來建立特色,而目前實施成效主要有能見度獲得提升與品牌經營得以延續。
When a major event occurs, media around the world live broadcast the events through television, radio, and even the internet. Audiences are no longer receiving coverage solely through television broadcast where they need to tune in at certain given times, but rather, they can freely view the broadcast through their smartphones or tablets anytime and anywhere. This is a change brought by digital convergence and has provided the media industry the opportunity to develop new innovations. Especially when TV news audiences gradually move towards watching and receiving news from the internet,it becomes imperative that television stations begin to critically think about what strategies to consider in response to this trend while digital convergence is still developing. In order to discuss television news broadcast strategies in relation to digital convergence trends, this research interviewed managers and personnel who are involved in the decision making of operational strategies. In turn, this study can bring into understanding how digital convergence is changing television news, and any new strategies to be considered implementing. This study found that under digital convergence, there is a loss of viewers and fewer young audiences, but it has also provided more ways to expand broadcast methods by merging the new and old, and present broadcast materials as internet content.TV stations still have a main objective of remaining profitable and need to continue to expand and strengthen its contents. In order to do so, the station needs to reduce costs, cooperate with others in the industry, make use of internal resources, use new technology and strengthening broadcasting technology as well as implement more staff training. TV stations will also need to push for live broadcasts, produce unique content, reproduce content to be internet accessible, as well as use anchors’ personalities to stand out from others. The points mentioned above are needed for TV stations to continue to enhance its brand visibility.



數位匯流, 頻道電視新聞, 播映策略, Digital convergence, Television news, Broadcasting Strategy





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