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《七十二朝人物演義》於1640年(明崇禎十三年)出版於杭州,內含四十部短篇小說,各圍繞一名《四書》中出現的人物展開。因為以小說體裁演繹儒家經典,在先秦歷史故事中加入因果報應等佛道思想,該書在晚明數量眾多、題材各異的小說中別具一格,也得到了詳細的文學研究。 本論文聚焦於還未有專門研究的《七十二朝人物演義》版畫插圖。這套插圖最引人注目的部分在其特殊的編排方式:每個短篇故事,不僅配有一幅表現故事場景的插圖,還有第二幅圖,描繪一個與文本有關的器物、花鳥、嬰戲等主題。繪稿者陸武清,刻工項南洲、洪聞遠均為晚明杭州具有代表性的版畫名家,造就了這套插圖精美的質量。 《七十二朝人物演義》最初的文本偏重道德勸誡,但出版時加入的評點和插圖,強調了該書作為小說的娛樂性閱讀價值。插圖的風格顯示了晚明杭州版畫融合當地繪畫傳統和多種外來、新興因素的特點,也有意營造了與故事內容相契合的仿古效果。在圖文關係方面,物品圖從不同於場景圖的角度,或提點故事內容,或以象徵意涵表示諷喻,令讀者在多層次的玩味中得到閱讀樂趣。賦予物品敘事功能的做法,與繪稿者學習陳洪綬有關,同時,在晚明杭州版畫的流行趨勢中也有跡可循。通過對《七十二朝人物演義》插圖的研究,我們可以看到明末杭州版畫的風格特徵,了解當時的視覺文化和出版、閱讀的傾向。
Qishier Chao Renwu Yanyi is a short story collection published in 1640, Hangzhou. Each of the forty stories is about an ancient figure who appears in the Four Books. The stories combine Confucian canon and entertaining novels, interpret historic tales by Buddhist and Taoist thoughts. Therefore, the book outstands the vast novels of Ming Dynasty and has been carefully researched in literature field. This thesis focuses on the woodblock illustrations of Qishier Chao Renwu Yanyi, which has no specialized study so far. The editing of the illustrations is very unique. Each story is illustrated not only a picture of a scene, but also a close up of particular object related to the story. Besides, the illustrations are elaborately made by Lu Wuqing, Xiang Nanzhou and Hong Wenyuan, the best woodblock artists in Late Ming Hangzhou. The original text of Qishier Chao Renwu Yanyi stresses moral values, while the publisher made it more entertaining and readable by adding reviews and illustrations. The style of the woodblock prints is a mixture of local painting tradition and new external influences, and it agrees with the ancient background of the stories. As for the image-text relationship, the object images and scene pictures represent stories from different aspects. An illustration of object can remind the reader of a particular plot, or critique the story through its metaphorical meaning. Thus readers can turn over pages and enjoy compound contents. This kind of narrative grows in the soil of late Ming Hangzhou woodblock prints, and is probably influenced by Chen Hongshou, In conclusion, through the research on Qishier Chao Renwu Yanyi, we hope to know more about Hangzhou’s regional style, visual culture and publishing culture of late Ming.



晚明版畫, 杭州版畫, 七十二朝人物演義, 袁了凡, 陸武清, 陳洪綬, Woodblock prints of late Ming, Woodblock prints of Hangzhou, Yuan Liaofan, Lu Wuqing, Chen Hongshou





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