
dc.contributorChang, Yung-Taen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu, Yung-Chiechen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究之目的在瞭解自從我國環境教育法在2011年6月5日正式實施後,經行政院環保署認證通過之環境教育專業人員,其對於氣候變遷、全球暖化與節能減碳之知識、態度、行為意向之情形,以及探討有關之知識、態度、行為意向間彼此之相關性,另並同時探討環境教育專業人員對現有環境教育法規,及環境教育專業人員、環境教育設施場所及環境教育訓練機構認證方面之看法。本研究採用「問卷調查法」,其工具為研究者自編之「環境教育人員對氣候變遷全球暖化與節能減碳之知識態度行為意向問卷」,以系統性分層隨機抽樣法,自全國已通過認證之12,030位環境教育專業人員中,以每隔30人隨機抽取1人,總共401人作為研究樣本,回收有效樣本328份,回收率為81.4 %。分析環境教育專業人員對氣候變遷全球暖化與節能減碳之知識、態度與行為意向方面之差異性。研究所得之問卷資料以SPSS 23.0進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析,和多元線性迴歸分析進行資料處理。結果發現,研究對象對氣候變遷全球暖化與節能減碳之知識越熟悉,節能減碳之態度越積極,則其節能減碳之行為意向也有越強烈之情形。而研究對象之性別、學歷、職業、宗教、居住之城鄉、飲食習慣、環境教育專業人員認證方式、認證年資、擔任環境教育講師或解說次數等雖有所不同,但對節能減碳等之知識方面卻無不同。然而,對於年齡在61歲以上、環境教育工作年資在10至19年者、參加環境教育研討會在7次以上者,其在知識方面之表現最佳。在節能減碳之態度方面,則以年齡在61歲以上、職業是教育人員、宗教是信奉基督教天主教者、飲食習慣是素食者、獲得環境教育專業人員認證方式是薦舉者、曾擔任環境教育講師或解說員次數在7次以上者、曾參加環境教育研討會次數在7次以上者,其節能減碳的態度最為積極正向。在節能減碳之行為意向方面,則以年齡在61歲以上者、學歷是高中以下者、職業是退休人員、飲食習慣是素食者、獲得環境教育專業人員認證方式是薦舉者、曾擔任環境教育講師或解說員次數在7次以上者、曾參加環境教育研討會之次數在7次以上者,其節能減碳之行為意向最為積極正向。研究結果將可提供環保及教育等有關單位作為今後推展節能減碳環境教育計畫中之環境教育課程編寫、教案設計、教材編製、辦理環境教育訓練、研訂環境教育政策,及修訂相關環境教育法規之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to understand the performance and the difference of the knowledge, attitude, and behavior intention about climate change, global warming, energy saving and carbon emission reduction of the professional environmental educators, who had beencertified by the Environmental Protection Administration in Taiwan since June 5, 2011 the Environmental Education Act was come into force. Meanwhile, it was a good chance to know the suggestions of these professional environmental educators who concerned about the environmental education laws and regulations, and the certification mechanism of the professional environmental educators, training institute and facilities in Taiwan. The questionnaire investigation method was utilized in this study. A questionnaire was designed as the research tool. A system random sampling was used to collect 401 cases in total for study, through the total 12,030 professional environmental educators based on selecting one case randomly from among 30 environmental educators. The effective samples were 328 cases, so the collective rate was 81.4 %. The SPSS statistics 23.0 software was used to conduct descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment correlations, and multiple linear regression analysis. The main research findings were as follows : (1) The study showed the knowledge aspect of climate change, global warming, and energy saving and carbon emission reduction, and the attitude aspect of that were significantly correlated with the behavior intention aspect. The subject’s attitude can significantly predict their behavior intention of the energy saving and carbon emission reduction. (2) Though there were differences between gender, education background, occupation, religious belief, residence in urban and rural area, dieting habits, the types of professional environmental educator authenticated, the frequency of teaching and interpreting environmental education, the knowledge aspect of the climate change, global warming, energy saving and carbon emission reduction indicated no difference. The professional environmental educators’ ages over 61 years old, environmental education working years were 10 to 19 years, the frequency of attending environmental education related workshops were more than 7 times, their knowledge aspects were the most remarkable. (3) On the behavior intention aspect, the professional environmental educators’ ages were over 61 years old, the occupation as educators, the religious belief as a Christian and Catholicism , the dieting habits as vegetarian, the types of environmental educator authenticated were recommended, with over 7 times of interpreting environmental education, the frequency of attending symposium about environmental education was more than 7 times, their attitude aspect were the most positive. (4) On the behavior intention aspect, the professional environmental educators’ age was over 61 years old, the education background was senior high school and below, the occupation was retired, the dieting habits was vegetarian, the type of environmental educator authenticated was recommended, with over 7 times of interpreting environmental education, the frequency of attending symposium about environmental education were more than 7 times, their behavior intention was most positive. In conclusion, the research results and findings of this study will propose some useful suggestions and the programs of the environmental education, curriculum developing, teaching materials, professional training and the educational strategy about the climate change, global warming, energy saving and carbon emission reduction to the Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, and the other agencies related in the future.en_US
dc.subjectclimate changeen_US
dc.subjectglobal warmingen_US
dc.subjectenergy saving and carbon emission reductionen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental educationen_US
dc.subjectbehavior intentionen_US
dc.titleThe Study on the Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Intention about Climate Change, Global Warming, Energy Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction of the Professional Environmental Educators in Taiwanen_US


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