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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


社區強制諮商團體是預防親密暴力再犯的主要處遇之一,然其成效在國外頗具爭議,國內相關諮商訓練與研究有限,故急需建構一套適用於台灣的療效知識。本研究綜合目前主流方案的療效困境與改善意見後,根據性別平權、認知行為療法、團體動力等理念設計並帶領一個12 次單元的半結構、開放諮商團體方案,透過混合研究設計、蒐集施暴者與受暴者的質性與量化評估資料,共獲得22 對參與者的有效資料;考量共同生活與否可能會影響再犯率,故將同住與分住的伴侶分開進行對偶分析。研究結果顯示在處遇後,除了受暴者的精神受暴分數增加外,其餘暴力向度的分數皆減少;進一步顯著性考驗發現同住組的伴侶溝通已顯著增加、且肢體暴力明顯減少;分住組則在溝通、肢體暴力、精神暴力、性暴力、受傷等皆顯著減少。本研究施暴者暴力減少除了可歸因於團體療效之外,理應還參混著保護令的抑制與分住的隔離效果。
Court-mandated group counseling in community is one of the most important ways to prevent from recidivism of intimate partner violence (IPV). The effectiveness related to this kind of counseling is still debatable generally. Moreover, the related issues are seldom explored in Taiwan train institute and research field. To construct related knowledge, this author reviewed the critical and improved ways for the current court-mandated group counseling. Then, a court-mandated, open-ended, semi-structural group counseling program including 12 sessions within community based on gender equality, cognitive-behavior therapy, and group counseling was designed and conducted by this author. The participants included 22 perpetrators and their victims. The study adopted a mixed method design which collected data from both perpetrators and their victims. Due to whether lived together or not would influence the probability of recidivism of IPV, the data were divided into cohabitating team and separated team, and then analyzed through dyadic analysis approach. The descriptive statistics showed that all the scores of IPV diminished in addition to psychological violence from the victims’ perspective. Further analysis indicated that not only perpetrator’s couple communication improved but also physical assault decreased significantly after attending court-mandated group counseling in the cohabitating team. On the other hand, the physical, psychological, sexual violence, and injury have decreased significantly, accompanying communicational frequency decreased, in the separated team. The effectiveness of IPV decreasing among participants in this study could partially attribute to attending group counseling in this study, although part of effectiveness should attribute to the inhibiting function of protection order and the result of separating.






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