
dc.description.abstract南島語族包含一千兩百多種語言,其分布面積之廣,橫跨印度洋與太平洋,為全球 語系中,分布範圍極大的一支。身為南島語族一員的台灣,囊括南島語系大部分的分支,就語言種類及其分歧程度而言,讓近幾年關於南島語族發源地的學術研究,皆直指台灣最有可能為南島語族的原鄉。作為南島語族最有可能的發源地,台灣自然成為南島語族文化的研究重鎮。近年來,在政府的推動下,台灣對南島文化的研究亦日趨熱絡,包括教育部、文建會…等政府機構,紛紛推出南島文化相關活動及研究專案、計畫的補助方案。南島語族的文化,基於沒有文字的緣故,僅能以口傳的方式作傳承。相形之下,語言和歌謠音樂的典藏,即成為南島文化研究最重要的關鍵與依據。 山口修教授,為享譽世界的知名民族音樂學者,同時亦是帛琉音樂權威。《新葛洛夫音樂辭典》(The New Grove Music Dictionary)中的「帛琉音樂」辭條,即是出自山口修教授之筆。1965-1966年間,山口修教授於帛琉及其鄰近島群所採集之音樂,包含50捲Reel to Reel盤帶、30捲8釐米影帶,以及超過50本的田野採集筆記和當時的照片紀錄,完整地呈現當時田野採集的過程。此份採集的內容,包含已經失傳或瀕臨失傳之傳統歌謠,實屬人類精神文化瑰寶。鑑於島群族民人口外移、語言文化消逝之迅速,以及盤帶不敵時間與自然環境的破壞,實須將這份珍貴的檔案進行數位化典藏。計畫團隊很榮幸獲得山口修教授的首肯與大力支持,將全數的資料授權與本單位執行數位典藏。此外,亦在山口修教授的允諾下,將由其親自執行、監督歌謠詮釋資料內容的製作,以避免後設資料不清而導致檔案內容的混淆。此外,結合師大圖書資訊研究所研發之「數位典藏資料庫管理系統」,以有效地建置、管理後設資料庫,以應後續音樂文化研究之需。 鑑於此份檔案的珍貴性,帛琉政府亦多次向山口修教授表達,希望將檔案置於帛琉國家博物館典藏的意願。在山口修教授的引薦下,本計畫獲得帛琉國家博物館,與「荷蘭國際亞洲學研究所(International Institute for Asian Studies, IIAS)」 Dr. Birgit Abels的合作允諾,在計劃完成後,以數位化成果進行館際典藏檔案與技術,跨國合作交流。此舉不僅達成拓展台灣數位典藏內涵之目標,同時亦是對外展示台灣數位典藏實力與拓展國際外交的一大助力。本計畫完成後,無疑將可拓展台灣數位典藏至一新的里程碑。 計畫團隊以帛琉為出發點,未來將數位化山口修教授所有其他音樂採集資料。從帛琉到密克羅尼西亞,以至大洋洲族群。透過檔案的數位化及國際合作交流,一步步地完成南島語族音樂博物館的建置。 主要目的: 一、 將山口修教授採集檔案數位化 二、 依歌謠難易度,重點進行歌謠採譜 三、 建置完整詳實之計畫資料庫 四、 使用師大「數位典藏資料庫管理系統」管理、建置資料庫平台 五、 利用影片素材,以地圖座標方式,重現山口修教授採集路線 六、 數位化田野採集筆記,呈現山口修教授採集理念及其貢獻 七、 打造「南島語族音樂博物館」,並協助帛琉進行音樂典藏,拓展國際外交 八、 加入「數位學習與數位典藏國家型科技計畫」,期盼這份屬於人類精神文化遺 產的珍貴檔案,能夠成為國家型計畫的一部份,與國人共享其成果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Austronesian, a language family includes more than twelve hundreds languages, is considered one of the most geographically widely dispersed language family in the world, which can be found throughout the India Ocean and Pacific Ocean. As an Austronesian region where a great number of proper languages under the big family and diversity can be found, Taiwan is thought to have been the most possible Austronesian homeland in recent linguistic academic research. As the most possible Austronesian homeland, Taiwan has become the center of Austronesian culture study. In recent years, more and more academic studies regarding Austronesian Cultures has been done, thanks to the funding to related programs by government agencies like the Ministry of Education and The Council for Cultural Affairs. The Austronesian Cultures can only be carried on verbally due to the lack of writing text in its language; therefore, to archive its language, folksongs and music, is the most important issue to the study of Austronesian culture. Professor YAMAGUTI Osamu , a world renowned ethnomusicologist and Palauan music specialist who wrote the “Palauan music” topic in The New Grove Music Dictionary, had collected Palau music in Palau islands between 1965 and 1966. The results of his were 50 reel-to-reel tapes, 30 8mm tapes, more than 50 notebooks and photo albums; all these documents have presented his collecting process respectfully. The content of the said collection includes vanished and almost lost folk songs which are human culture treasures. Because the emigration phenomenon and the lost of language culture in Palau, plus the degradation of the tapes caused by time and nature, these documents need to be digitalized and archived in no time. It’s a great honor of our team that professor Yamaguti Osamu agreed to authorize the digitalization rights of his entire collection to us, and with his great support. Besides, he also promised to execute and supervise the production of songs interpretation by himself to avoid file content misinterpretation caused by the lack of meta-information. We will also use X-System (management system of metadata base) developed by the Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies in NTNU to establish and manage meta-database efficiently for future music culture research inquiry. Due to the precious nature of this collection, the Palau Government has expressed its willingness to store it in Palau National Museum. Under the recommendation of professor Yamaguti Osamu, Palau National Museum, along with Dr. Birgit Abels of the Netherlands based International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), agreed to exhibit our digital archives and technology once this project is finished. The multinational cooperation of this can not only achieve the goal of extending the content of Taiwan digital archives, but also demonstrate Taiwanese digital archiving ability to others and be a helpful asset for diplomacy promoting. There is no doubt that this project will be a new milestone of Taiwanese digital archiving when it’s completed. Begin with Palau, our team will digitalize every music collections of professor Yamaguti Osamu in the future—from Palau to Micronesia to other Oceania region. Through the digitalization of various documents and international cooperation, our ultimate goal of establishing an Austronesian Music Museum will come true in the long run. Main purposes of the project: 1. Digitalize the audio visual materials which collect by Prof. Yamaguti Osamu. 2. Notate the selected folk songs. 3. Establish a complete and detailed metadata system for the project. 4. Manage and establish the metadata system platform by using the X-system. 5. Re-build the route where Prof. Yamaguti Osamu did his fieldwork. 6. Digitalize the field work notes, to present Prof. Yamaguti’s contribution and conception. 7. Establish “Austronesian Digital Music Museum” and provide assistance for music-archiving in Palau. 8. Join “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archive Project”, wishing these precious inheritance of human culture could be a part of National Archive Project, and sharing the achievement with countrymen in Taiwan.en_US
dc.subject.otherAustronesian Musicen_US
dc.subject.otherPalau Musicen_US
dc.subject.otherYAMAGUTI Osamuen_US
dc.titleThe Beauty of Austronesian Music---Digital Archive Project of Palau(Belau) Musicen_US

