Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Contingent Workers in the Non-profit Sector in Haiti
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In order to address a gap relating to OCB of paid employees in the non-profit sector, this study was conducted to examine some antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the non-profit sector using 181 contingent workers from nine non-profit organizations in Haiti. It was predicted that perceived supervisor support (PSS) and impression management motives (IMM) would positively relate to OCB while choice of contract (CC) would have a negative relationship. Temporal factors like time remaining on contract was expected to negatively influence the relationship between IMM and OCB and expectation of contract continuation to positively influence that relationship. Regression results proved PSS to be related to the conscientiousness dimension of OCB; IMM and CC were found to be related to the attendance dimension as hypothesized. Time remaining on contract positively influenced the relationship between IMM and OCB. Implications are discussed based on the findings.
Organizational citizenship behavior, contingent worker, non-profit sector, Haiti