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Shih-tseng Tina Huang
Liwen Lee

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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


本研究以間隔六個月前後測方式追蹤五十八個家庭中母親教養行為與幼兒獨立完成作業之關係,測量遊戲中測量母親讚訐、重述、威脅和肢體介入等教養行為,並於幼兒十七個月及二十三個月大時測量幼兒在收拾玩具作業中之獨立完成、母親協同完成、逃避與抗拒等表現,並探討家庭社經地位、母親年齡與教育程度等因素之影響。結果顯示幼兒獨立完成作業反應隨月齡增加,而幼兒在母親協助下完成作業之反應隨月齡下降。母親年齡與教育程度及母親讚許行為具顯著正相關。 幼兒十七個月獨立完成反應與母親教育程度呈正相關,並與母親威脅教養呈現正相關。幼兒二十三個月之獨立完成作業反應和十七個月時的獨立完成反應與重述行為呈現正相關。 幼兒在十七個月之抗拒行為與當時幼兒的獨立完成反應呈現負相闕,幼兒二十三個月時亦發現此負相關。幼兒十七個月時母親的肢體介入行為與幼兒二十三個月時之抗拒反應具正相關。二十三個月幼兒的逃避反應與其獨立完成作業行為則為負相關。階層迴歸結果發現,當排除家庭背景變項之解釋力,十七個月幼兒獨立完成作業反應對於二十三個月幼兒的獨立完成行為具顯著預測力。當排除家庭背景變項及十七個月幼兒反應之解釋力時,母親教養行為對於十七至二十三個月中幼兒的獨立完成表現之變化具有預測力,其中,母親重述幼兒口語的教養行為顯著預測幼兒十七至二十三個月間獨立完成作業表現之變化。
The present study attempted to investigate the relationship of maternal parenting behaviors and young children's independent completion on task. Fifty- eight child- mother dyads were tested and followed up after six months. Maternal parenting behavior, including verbal praise, verbal repetition, threats, and physical control during mother- child free play periods were measured when children were 17 months old. In addition, children's clean-up behaviors after playing with toys - independent task completion, with mother's assistance, resistance, or avoidance - were measured when they were 17-month and 23- month old. These bservations were examined in relation to family socioeconomic status, mothers' age and education level served as families variables. Results suggested that as children grew in age, frequency of independent task completion increased and their need for mothers' assistance decreased. Mother's age positively correlated with their education level and verbal praises of children. Children's independent task completion at 17 months of age was positively correlated with mother's education level and threatening behavior. Children's independent task completion at 23 months of age was positively correlated with children's independent completion at 17 months and mothers' verbal repetition. At both 17 months and 23 months of age, children 's resistant behaviors toward mother's demands were negatively correlated with children's independent task completion. Mothers' physical control behaviors at 17 months were negatively correlated with children's independent task completion at 23 months of age. At 23 months old, children's avoidance behaviors were negatively correlated with their independent task completion.Regression analysis indicated that children's independent task completion at 17 months significantly predicted children's behavioral responses at 23 months of age when the effect of family background variables was controlled. Furthennore, when family backgrou






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