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本研究旨在探討現代女性選擇擔任全職媽媽的母職意義觀點,瞭解形塑女性母職觀的發展脈絡,影響全職媽媽觀點轉化的重要媒介或阻礙因素,以及在母職實踐中的轉化學習歷程。研究對象為BabyHome(寶貝家庭親子網)的家族成員,居住在大臺北都會區,在懷孕生子後自願離職擔任全職媽媽,目前沒有任何職場工作或家族事業兼顧者之中產階級女性。本研究結合成人教育學關懷女性發展與賦權的立場,重視讓女性發出自己的聲音。研究者與這群全職媽媽實際互動長達三年,除實際參與觀察蒐集田野文本,以掌握其母職實踐中的意義觀點內涵與轉變,並輔以深度訪談法,採現象學詮釋觀點,應用Nvivo8.0質性軟體工具來整理分析文本資料,描繪出母職轉化的關係圖,並以此建構全職媽媽母職意義觀點的轉化學習模式。 這群受過高等教育、曾從事有酬正式工作的中產階級女性,主要秉持著「母職即母教」的立場「選擇」擔任全職媽媽,包括「教育孩子前,先教育自己」,以及「重視孩子的健康成長」大於「工作賺錢的價值」等意義觀點。這群女性伴隨著全職媽媽身份,並非落入社會結構的傳統性別框架,而是在母職實踐中轉為更具「自主性」的存在,例如藉由參加網路社群、媽媽讀書會與親職課程等活動來充實自己,這些母職經驗開啟了轉化學習的可能性,並使得母職成為自我洗滌的歷程。而在母職實踐中所遭遇的困境,則促使全職媽媽尋找資源解決問題,並從中批判反思,產生意義觀點的轉化學習歷程。 本研究發現,原生家庭的成長經驗會形塑女性的母職觀,母職角色的轉變與生活危機,也確實會觸發全職媽媽的轉化學習,而質疑假設與批判反思則是觀點轉化的核心,但情緒卻是阻礙轉化學習的因素。至於觀點轉化的發展階段則因人而異,可能是來回擺盪、並非直線性發展;全職媽媽所處情境,與轉化學習息息相關;轉化學習的前提是「愛」,而「傾聽就是愛,瞭解中有醫治」,成人教育者必須提供學習者足夠的信任與情緒支持,才得以促進轉化學習,也就是「先處理好心情,才能解決事情」,本研究提出這些面向,以補足Mezirow轉化學習理論中僅重視理性思維的假設。 面對臺灣離婚率創全亞洲第一高、生育率為全世界最低,以及台灣社會長期「不婚、不生、不養、不教」的現象,我們或許應賦予母職多一些正面價值,給予全職父母多一點鼓勵支持,協助建立父母社群,並提供親職學習的免費資源,將父親也納入課程對象,發揚「親職即親教」的意義觀點。處在這個強調「兩性平等」的年代,我們更需要學習的,可能是「彼此相愛」。藉由這篇母職研究,盼望能帶給成人教育者與自己這樣的提醒,永遠不要忘記幸福家庭的根基,是在於愛……
This study, taking full-time mother as the subjects, adopts qualitative research procedures. By the approach of in-depth interviews and collecting related documents, the study is intended to understand the reason that women quit job and back to home as full-time Mother after giving birth, and to explore their meaning perspective in Motherhood, the pressure encountered, difficulties and the process of transformative learning. It is hoped that this study can achieve the following goals: 1.The understanding of the essential changes of full-time Mother after giving birth and their meaning perspective in Motherhood. 2.The understanding of the full-time Mother’s transformative learning process in Motherhood. 3.The understanding of the influence of the full-time Mother transformative learning in Motherhood. 4.The understanding of the difference between the process of the full-time Mother’s transformative learning and the one raised by Mezirow. 5.The understanding of the difference between the process of the full-time Mother’s transformative learning in Motherhood and the supplementary statements made by the other scholars to expend Mezirow’s theory. This research is the character oriented. The participants are three-type full-time mother. The material was collected by the semi-structured interviews. The reorganization material was analyzed by the hermeneutics. Then, the research conclusion is obtained as follows: 1.The full-time Mother’s meaning perspective of Motherhood is shaped by their growing experience, especially from their Mother. 2.The women are willing to give up their nice job as the full-time Mother because they view “Mother as the mothering, discipline and the intellectual enterprise”. 3.The self-reflection and social group of full-time Mother will bring them into transformative learning, but the negative emotion and over-loaded expectation from their family may be the learning obstacles. 4.Mezirow only emphasizes the importance of rational thinking, but This research point out the situated context and emotion of learner should be considered. 5.Love is the premise of transformative learning because “to listen is to love, to understand is to heal”. Based on the above findings: the research wants to propose some suggestion to the adult education association as the below: 1.Provide more learning resources for parents and encourage Father to involve at homework. 2.Provide the formal mothering course with flexible baby-care service for the full-time Mother. 3.Establish the learning group of the full-time Mother to and support each other. In order to promote the transformative learning, adult educator must provide the learner sufficient trust and emotional support. This is what we say to deal with a good mood first, in order to resolve the matter.



母職, 轉化學習, 全職媽媽, 意義觀點, 女性發展, Motherhood, transformative learning, full-time Mother, meaning perspective, women development





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