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自古以來,愛美是女人的天性。隨著經濟的發展與時代的進步,人們對於「美」的追求標準也越來越高。整體造型的內容包含妝容、髮型、服裝與配件等四大部分的整合,從業者的專業技術與服務態度是影響顧客滿意度的重要關鍵。近二十年來,許多原本屬於小而巧、獨立性質服務的個人沙龍,漸漸轉型成大型連鎖店以提供女性更全面性的服務。近年來,台灣多數的新人也希望在婚禮當天能有一位專業的整體造型師在旁打理全身的搭配,這已是台灣目前的造型趨勢。 本研究以質性研究法,透過文獻與自身經驗的回顧,結合半結構式訪談,探討一位整體造型師投身業界將近二十年的成長,研究結果發現以下是成長過程中的幾個重要關鍵: 一、整體造型師必須擁有強烈的企圖心。 二、整體造型師必須不斷的進修,終身學習。 三、整體造型師必須在一定的時間內,完成重要的階段性目標。 四、整體造型師必須對自己的專業永遠保有熱情,莫忘初衷。
It is widely known that it is a woman’s nature to love beauty. With the advanced development of society and the progress of the times, the perception of beauty has greatly changed. Nowadays, people seem to pursue beauty more actively as they set the beauty standards higher. The beauty standards set by the society we live in have a significant influence on the styles and trends we are drawn to. Basically, personal styling includes the integration of the four major parts: makeup, hairstyle, clothing, and accessories. In the beauty industry, professional skills and positive attitude in customer service of stylists are the keys to customer satisfaction. In the past two decades, many small personal salons have gradually transformed into large chain stores to provide women with more comprehensive services. Obviously, personal styling is the current trend in Taiwan. In recent years, It is common to see couples hire a professional personal stylist to take care of their styles on the wedding day. This study uses a qualitative research method, through a review of the literature and personal experience, combined with semi-structured interviews, to discuss the growth of a stylist who has been involved in the industry for nearly two decades. The research results indicate the following key factors for the continuous growth of a personal stylist: 1. A personal stylist must have strong ambitions. 2. A personal stylist must continuously learn for improvement. 3. A personal stylist must achieve important goals within a certain period of time. 4. A personal stylist must be passionate about his/her profession and never forget the original intention.



整體造型師, 企圖心, 終身學習, personal stylist, intention, lifelong learning





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