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  本研究旨在探討「遊戲式創意地理教學」是否有助於國中生提升地理學習成效、地理學習態度、創造力及問題解決能力?研究對象為新北市某國中八年級6個班的學生,共計136人。實驗設計採用「不等組前後測準實驗設計」,共區分為「遊戲式創意地理教學」實驗組67人與「一般講述式地理教學」對照組69人,進行一個學期的實驗教學。研究工具包含「地理段考」、「地理學習態度問卷」、「新編語文創造思考測驗」、「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」及「問題解決能力量表」等量化工具,以單因子共變數分析檢驗研究假設;再根據「遊戲式創意地理教學課程回饋表」等質性資料作分析。研究結果為: (1)實驗組在地理段考的成績臨界高於對照組。 (2)實驗組與對照組在地理學習態度總分上沒有顯著差異,但在其中學習動機興趣分量表方面實驗組明顯優於對照組。 (3)實驗組在創造力表現上明顯優於對照組。 (4)實驗組在問題解決能力表現上明顯優於對照組。 (5)實驗組對於課程活動認同度平均達到八成,回饋多正向。   本研究依研究結果做相關建議,供相關研究者及教師參考。
  The purpose of this study is to explore whether game-based creative geography teaching can help national students improve their geography learning effectiveness, geography learning attitude, creativity and problem solving skills. The research object is a total of 136 students in 6 classes in the eighth grade of a country in New Taipei City. The experimental design adopts the unequal group before and after the quasi-experimental design, which is divided into the experimental group of 67 people: the game-style creative geography teaching and the control group 69 people: general narrative geography teaching, conducting a semester experimental teaching. The research tools include geographic segmentation test, geography learning attitude questionnaire, new language creation thinking test, Williams creative orientation scale and problem solving ability scale, and other quantitative tools to test the research hypothesis by single factor covariate analysis; Teaching curriculum feedback forms and other qualitative information for analysis. The research results are: (1) The experimental group and the control group were marginally significant in the effectiveness of geography learning. (2) There was no significant difference in the attitude of geography learning between the experimental group and the control group, but the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in the study of the motivational interest subscale. (3) The experimental group was significantly better than the control group in terms of creativity. (4) The experimental group was significantly better than the control group in the performance of problem solving ability. (5) The experimental group's recognition of the curriculum activities reached 80% on average, and the feedback was positive. This study makes relevant recommendations based on the results of the research, for reference by relevant researchers and teachers.



遊戲式學習, 創意教學, 創造力, 問題解決能力, Game-based learning, Creative teaching, Creativity, Problem solving ability





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