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網際網路及電腦科技的發達,提升人們生活的品質並改善了工作效率,取得資料或是透過網路連結到相關網頁,較為快速及常用的方式即為手機掃描二維條碼,而網路應用的趨勢,同時也帶來許多立即性或潛藏的危機,例如,著作權侵犯、資料剽竊和破壞等,因此,在資訊安全的領域中,資訊隱藏技術絕對不容忽視。目前市面上最普遍採用的條碼種類為 QR Code (Quick Response Code),傳統 QR Code除了資訊容量有限,且資訊隱藏效能不佳,雖然彩色及圖像化條碼日漸流行,但由於製作的背景程式作業系統過程冗複,而取得灰階 QR Code 製作的方式迅速簡易,本研究遂以此發想改善途徑,以進化傳統 QR Code 為目標,延伸研究位元隱藏技術(Least Significant Bit, LSB),在灰階影像不同的資訊位元區段位置藏入多個二維條碼,最終僅顯現一個藏密的灰階影像,達到隱藏資訊的目的,並可同時提升數據容量。針對本研究多個二維條碼組合成的灰階影像,首先分別陳述數位檔案及 Print-and-Scan複製檔案實驗成果,接著掌握兩者結果的差異,後續嘗試以各種實驗條件的調整,建立錯誤分析的統計數據,據以評估選取最佳的校正措施。最終,本研究藏入多個二維條碼所獲得的灰階影像,除了外觀與一般條碼具有明顯視覺差異,其內蘊藏 8 個不同訊息內容之條碼,亦即資訊容量因此成功擴充為 8 倍,以手機掃碼可讀取外顯的條碼資訊,經過程式解碼之後則可以獲得內藏其餘的 7 個條碼,再以手機掃碼可逐個讀取不同資訊內容,然而,本研究藏入多個二維條碼的數位圖檔能夠成功的操作,惟在 Print-and-Scan 後,其內藏條碼程式解碼還原後,因為影像失真導致無法正確解碼,緣此,複製所得灰階影像僅能被手機掃碼讀到一個條碼資訊,再以導入適當校正措施,目前得以正確讀取兩個條碼資訊,本研究對於灰階二維條碼的資訊容量的提升及資訊隱藏的同步改善都有參考價值,諸如在於產品的外包裝,可經由掃讀外顯條碼揭露一般民眾需知悉訊息,內藏資訊則可依據資訊隱藏需求之等級逐層解碼透露。
The development of the Internet and computer technology has improved the quality of life and work efficiency. The most common and convenient way for people to quickly access data or websites is to scan QR codes with mobile devices. However, the trend of internet applications has also brought many immediate or hidden risks, such as copyright infringement, plagiarism, and data destruction. Therefore, in the field of information security, information hiding technology annot be ignored.Currently, the most common barcode type on the market is the QR Code (Quick Response Code). Traditional QR Codes have limited information capacity and poor information hiding efficiency. While colored and image-based barcodes are becoming more popular, the process of creating them can be complex. In the meantime, grayscale QR Codes are quick and easy to produce. This study aims to improve traditional QR Codes by using Least Significant Bit to hide multiple QR Codes in different segments of one grayscale image to increase the data capacity and provide better information security.This study focuses on several grayscale images that were assembled by multiple QR Code. The researcher first elaborated the experimental results of the digital file and print-and-scan copies of the grayscale image. Follow up with clarifying the differences between the results by analyzing and collecting statistical data to establish the best corrective measures.Finally, the grayscale image with multiple hiding QR Codes not only has a distinct visual difference from regular barcodes, but also contains eight different information contents, which means that the information capacity has been expanded by eight times. By scanning the barcode with a mobile device, seven hidden QR Codes can be decoded. However, when the grayscale image is printed and scanned, the hidden QR Codes cannot be decoded correctly due to image distortion. In the end, only one QR Code can be read through scanning with a mobile device. By importing the correct corrective measures, two QR Codes can be read correctly. This study has reference value for the improvement of information capacity of grayscale QR Code and the simultaneous improvement of information concealment. For example, in product packaging, the visible barcode can reveal information that the public needs to know, while the hidden information can be used to protect confidential information.



最低有效位元取代法, 資訊隱藏, 錯誤分析, 校正措施, Least Significant Bit (LSB), Information Hiding, Print-and-Scan, Error Analysis, Corrective Measures





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