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由於台灣特殊的歷史背景,文化認同在台灣一直為許多研究關注的議題,近年來無論在電影、遊戲或文化產業等上都能觀察到越來越多屬於台灣的意象與概念在其中,而實境遊戲是近年受歡迎的休閒娛樂,將故事劇情搬到現實中,透過解謎的方式傳達線索,讓玩家了其中故事脈絡,因此,本研究期望透過休閒娛樂產業之一的實境遊戲,結合台灣傳統文化概念進行實驗,試圖觀察實境遊戲體驗與文化認同、歸屬感、行為意圖之間的關係,並加入心流理論,也就是遊戲研究中時常採用的一種心理狀態的研究,作為探討實境遊戲體驗的變項之一。 遊戲創作以民國50-60年代為背景,將傳統文化帶入故事劇情中,藉由解謎的方式傳達台灣早期的生活與習俗,並在最後以影片方式呈現,說明遊戲過程中謎題的含義與正確的解謎方式,讓人們透過遊戲了解與學習到更多的台灣傳統文化的意義。 研究將實境遊戲體驗的變因分為社交性、愉悅感、故事性與沈浸度,並探討彼此之間關係,實驗人數共32位,16組,研究結果為實境遊戲體驗中的愉悅感與社交性與正向影響心流狀態,而實境遊戲體驗無法直接對文化認同、歸屬感、行為意圖產生影響,但加入心流狀態作為調節變項後發現實境遊戲體驗的故事性正向影響文化認同,而實境遊戲體驗中的遊戲沈浸正向影響歸屬感和行為意圖。最後收斂成「場地規劃」、「道具設計」、「謎題設計」、「燈光音響」與「體驗過程」,供未來相關研究或設計參考。
Due to Taiwan's special historical background, cultural identity has always been a topic of many studies in Taiwan. In the past few years, more and more Taiwan-related images and concepts were observed in movies, games, and cultural industries. Meanwhile, reality games are becoming popular leisure entertainment in recent years. Such kind of game adopts the stories from real life, and provides the players opportunities to understand the whole story by seeking for the clues and solving puzzles. Therefore, in this research, I combine reality games and Taiwanese traditional culture, trying to observe the relationship between real game experience and cultural identity, sense of belonging, and behavioral intentions. Flow theory; a study of psychological state during a game playing, is explored to be as one of the variables in the reality game experience. The time interval of the game is in-between 50s to 60s. With Taiwan’s traditional culture being embedded in the story, the players can explore the way of life and custom in old time. At the end, a video is presented, explaining the meaning of the puzzles in the game and the correct way to solve them. The purpose is to let people understand and learn more about the significance of Taiwan’s traditional culture. The research divides the variables of the game into four factors; sociality, pleasure, storytelling and immersion. Then the relationship between them were explored. There are 32 people with 2 people being denoted as a group in this experiment, and the result of the research is both the pleasure of the reality games experience and sociability have positive influence on flow state. The reality games experience cannot directly affect cultural identity, sense of belonging, and behavioral intentions. However, after adding the flow state as an adjustment variable, it is found that the reality games experience has a positive impact on cultural identity, and the games immersion positively affects the sense of belonging and behavioral intention. Finally, the research converges to "site planning", "prop design", "puzzle design", "lighting and sound" and "experience process" for future related research or design reference.



文化認同, 歸屬感, 行為意圖, 心流理論, 實境遊戲, 密室逃脫, Cultural Identity, Belongingness, Behavioral intention, Flow Theory, Reality Games, Escape room





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