dc.contributor.author | 廖依俐 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-10-27T15:40:37Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-10-27T15:40:37Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2002-11-?? | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 景觀是一種社會的產物,也是一種意識型態的觀念,具有強烈的象徵性意義。都市在人類的發展歷程當中,不僅僅是經濟生產的重心,更具有延續歷史文化的作用。本文透過桃園市市內的兩大景觀:景福宮和巨蛋的分析,進一步論述在都市中普遍存在缺代認同感及地方性模糊的問題。 景福宮為在地社群漳州人所興建,見證桃園市都市發展的興起與桃園臺地中地地位的建立。在這樣的過程當中,桃園地方性的意涵也透過在地社群以景福宮為生活脈動意義的中心而更加落實。而其建構的神聖空間在面臨世俗化的強人壓力之下,從一個代表原鄉地緣的神聖空間,發展、擴張為涵攝公共領域權力的政治空間到近來成為一個純粹以居住在桃園市內-在地的神聖空間。而地方政府國際化的想像及現代科技技術配合,所構建號稱全國第一的巨蛋,也是一個饒富意義的論述場域。地方政府期許透過新都市體育休閒活動空間所凝聚的聚寶盆效應,作為都市自我認同的指標,以及躋身國際化都市的入場券。然從其建築的外型和使用的情況、舉辨的活動可以發現到,「巨蛋」模糊了建築與在地社會之間有意義的連結,透過商業的符號、支配性的利益空間抹煞了有意義的文化、歷史經驗,呈現出非歷史性、非文化性的建築普遍化。當再地民眾無法透過自己的行動來經驗一個景觀時,雖其以雄偉、壯觀的姿態矗立在地表上,但卻缺乏認同的歸屬和地方感的呈顯。 在面臨都市空間日趨多元的當代,在不同地點中,能結合在地居民日常生活的律動、貼近日常生活經驗,才是充滿意義的中心,人心的漂迫才能找到歸宿,尋回存在的中心性。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | The landscape as a tangible, visible entity, one that is both reflective and constitutive of society, culture and identity. We can find some important meanings by interpreting landscape in the urban. Taoyuan City is the most developmental country in Taoyuan, it is worthy of being expounded symbolic landscape in here. Jiing-Fu Gong was built during the Ching Dynasty. In initial stage, it was a small temple that being offered sacrifices to Gods by the man ancestral home of Jang Jou. When Taoyuan City became the biggest place in Taoyuan county, it was transformed to regional religious center. But for the last several decade, it was shrank back with industrialization and urbanization. The Taoyuan County Stadium is novel building in Taoyuan City. It is made display of wealth and international style. But it is difficult to be close to Taoyuan County Stadium in the first time when it was built. It was separated with community for a long time. The essay is based on humanistic geography, trying to find the relation between community and landscape. It goes through interpreting duality in the power of society and politics, the place and placelessness to reflect the lack of identity in Taoyuan City. | en_US |
dc.identifier | 9710A6FA-F839-8971-AD99-F2F993C3D08A | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23786 | |
dc.language | 中文 | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 地理學系 | zh_tw |
dc.publisher | Department of Geography, NTNU | en_US |
dc.relation | (37),73-94 | zh_TW |
dc.relation.ispartof | 國立臺灣師範大學地理研究報告 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 桃園市 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 景觀 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 地方 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | Taoyuan city | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Landscape | en_US |
dc.subject.other | Place | en_US |
dc.title | 桃園都市景觀的詮釋 | zh-tw |
dc.title.alternative | The Interpretation of Urban Landscape in Taoyuan City | zh_tw |