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美國基督徒音樂家馬克・海斯(Mark Hayes,1953-)國際知名的作曲家、指揮家和音樂會鋼琴家。馬克・海斯《安魂曲》(Requim)共有六個樂章,分別是第一樂章《安息經》(Requiem Aeternam)、第二樂章《垂憐經》(Kyrie)、第三樂章《末日經》(Dies Irae)、第四樂章《聖哉經》(Sanctus)、第五樂章《羔羊經》(Agnus Dei)、第六樂章《永恆之光》(Lux Aeterna)並以拉丁文、英文兩種語文互相對應,分別出現在其《安魂曲》當中。編制為混聲合唱、男中音獨唱、管弦樂團或室內樂版本。本論文一共分為五章,第一章的緒論說明研究動機與目的和研究的範圍與方法、第二章介紹作曲家生平與創作、第三章則以指揮詮釋與樂曲分析,介紹作曲家如何呈現音樂場景的變換與不同語文的設計編排、第四樂章藉由音樂會的排練與展演,以音樂會之前的準備與音樂會之後的檢討來做分析與討論,最後第五章總結,研究者以探究馬克・海斯《安魂曲》(Requim)的心得來做分享。期盼能將2019年8月23日在台北基督教懷恩堂首演的馬克・海斯《安魂曲》(Requim)音樂會與研究者的指揮詮釋論文,在日後的聖樂服事上,不論是態度與技術上都能更加精進。更希望能藉由論述中的分享,與國內的合唱愛樂者有更多的音樂交流與學術探討。
American Christian musician Mark Hayes (Mark Hayes, 1953-) is an internationally renowned composer, conductor and concert pianist. Mark Hayes' "Requim" has six movements, namely the first movement "Requiem Aeternam", the second movement "Kyrie" and the third movement "Doomsday" (Dies Irae), the fourth movement Sanctus", the fifth movement "Agnus Dei", the sixth movement "Lux Aeterna" in Latin and English Corresponding to each other, they appear in their "Requiem". Compiled as mixed choral, baritone solo, orchestral or chamber version. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the motivation and purposeof the research, the scope and method of the research, the second chapter introduces the composer’s life and creation, and the third chapter introduces how the composer Presenting the transformation of music scenes and the design and arrangement of different languages, the fourth movement is analyzed and discussed through the rehearsal and performance of the concert, the preparation before the concert and the review after the concert. Finally, the fifth chapter concludes, the researcher To share my experience of exploring Mark Hayes' "Requim" (Requim). Looking forward to the Mark Hayes "Requim" (Requim) concert, which premiered at Grace Baptist Church on August 23, 2019, and the researcher's conducting interpretation paper, in future sacred music services, Both attitude and technique can be more sophisticated. I also hope that through the sharing in the discussion, there will be more music exchanges and academic discussions with domestic choral musicians.



馬克海斯, 安魂彌撒曲, 合唱指揮, Mark Hayes, Requiem, Choral Conducting





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