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本研究目的主要在探討企管顧問師的生涯發展歷程,以及其相關影響因素。本研究採質化研究中的多重個案研究法,訪談五位企管顧問師後,將訪談內容轉謄為逐字稿,並進行資料的編碼、分析與歸納,得到以下的結論: 一、企管顧問師擔任顧問前的工作變化路徑主要可分為四種,其中三種路徑非常相似,都是從基層技術或業務工作開始,分別經過一段時間、不同部門工作輪調、或是升遷到高階主管之後,才轉換擔任顧問職,另外一種路徑則比較不同,先從會計師事務所開始職業生涯,一段時間之後再成立顧問公司。 二、企管顧問師擔任顧問職的專業生涯階段可分為四個階段,分別是助理、顧問專家、師父、與組織經營者。助理階段的任務,主要是跟隨顧問前輩見習、或透過不同管道學習以建立專長;顧問專家階段的任務,主要是獨立接案並獲得成長、較少依賴顧問前輩;師父階段的任務,主要是帶領並指導助理接案;組織經營者階段的任務,主要是確立組織的方向。 三、影響企管顧問師生涯發展之因素可分成個人因素與環境,而個人因素包括了人格特質、工作態度、興趣、與能力;環境因素則包括了正面事件的影響、負面事件的影響、重要他人的影響、以及整體環境的影響。
The purpose of this study was to explore career development and its affected factors of management consultants. The research method adopted here was the multiple-cases of qualitative research. Five management consultants were interviewed. After the interviews, the contents were tape recorded and transcribed. Then, the transcript was coded and analyzed to establish the research findings and conclusions. The conclusions are as following: 1. The transition of pre-management consultants’ career development could mainly be divided into 4 kinds. And former sorts had similar processes as beginning from basic technical or business manners, rotating among different departments or promoting to higher position, or promoting to executive. The fourth variety was different that to own accounting firms first and then to establish consultant firms. 2. The management consultants’ professional career development could be separated into 4 stages as assistant, consultative expert, mentor, and organization manager. In assistant stage, the main task was on probation to obtain professions via various learning. In consultative expert stage, to handle projects independently and to reduce the reliability toward other senior consultants were the major task. In mentor stage, the foremost duty was to lead and guide assistants to deal with the projects. In organization manager stage, the primary mission was to head the organization to the precise direction. 3. Career development’s affected factors of management consultants would be divided into two factors which were personal and environment. Personal factors were including personal characteristics, job attitude, interest, and capability. Environment factors were including positive events, negative events, important others, and whole environment.



生涯, 生涯發展, 企管顧問師, 管理顧問業, Career, Career Development, Management Consultant, Management Consultant Services Industry





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