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由於全世界水資源之匱乏,近年來愈趨重視農業生產以及農產品之水足跡研究。茶葉是全世界重要之飲料農產品之一,然而相較於咖啡水足跡之研究,卻鮮少有關於茶葉水足跡之研究。因此,本論文嘗試針對台灣地區種植生產之茶葉進行資料盤查與收集,以探討台灣地區茶葉生產之水足跡(WF)。   本研究採用世界農糧組織所發展的CROPWAT 8.0模式,配合茶葉種植地區之氣候、土壤等基本數值輸入,取得計算空間虛擬水(VWS)所需之數值。此外,我們從坪林鄉與名間鄉內,以滾雪球方式抽樣共十個農戶進行資料盤查與收集,以取得茶葉種植之田間操作數值(包含灌溉用水量、產量、肥料施用量等),用以計算VWS及WF。   研究結果顯示坪林與名間鄉的VWS全年度之平均數值分別為41.725及7.162 mm/m2/day。而坪林與名間鄉生產之茶葉水足跡數值分別為242.98 及 17.363 m3/kg 。若進一步分析不同類型之水足跡可發現,坪林茶之綠水、藍水及灰水水足跡分別佔總水足跡4.3%、0%及 95.7%;而名間茶之綠水、藍水及灰水水足跡分別佔總水足跡38.26%, 0.04%及61.7%。本論文並討論減少茶葉各類水足跡之策略與方法。   最後,本研究發現飲用一杯125毫升的茶、咖啡、及可可之總耗水量分別為62.242,、113.8及156.61公升。由此項數據顯示,茶在這三種嗜飲性飲品中的耗水量是最低的。
Water footprint studies on agricultural production and products are more and more valued due to global water shortage. However, water footprint studies on tea, as one the most important beverage crop worldwide, are relatively scarce in relation to those on coffee. Hence, in this study, attempts are made to investigate the water footprint of tea production (WF) by surveying and gathering data concerning tea production in Taiwan. CROPWAT 8.0 model, developed by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), is used to calculate the data of virtual water over spaces of tea production (VWS) calculated based on climate, soil, and cop data input. Moreover, field operation data are also gathered from ten tea farms located in PingLin and MingJian. Results of this study show that virtual water over spaces of tea production (VWS) of PingLin and MingJian are 41.725 and 7.162 mm/m^2/day respectively, while WF of tea product of PingLin and MingJian are 242.98 and 17.363 m^3/kg respectively. By further analysing WF based on its type, we find that green, blue, and grey WF accounted for 4.3%, 0%, and 95.7% of total WF respectively in PingLin; green, blue, and grey WF accounts for 38.26%, 0.04%, and 61.7% of total WF respectively in MingJian. In addition, this study also finds that total water consumption of making a cup of 125 ml tea, coffee, and cocoa are 62.242, 113.8, and 156.61 liters respectively. Thus, total water consumption of a cup of tea is the smallest among three stimulant crops.



茶葉, 水足跡, 虛擬水, Tea, Water footprint, Virtual water





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