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To explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, the entropic force, assumingly arises from the surface term in the Einstein-Hilbert’s action, has become another interpretation of driving force for the acceleration.Among many different approaches, we propose to adopt the entropic force model(EFM) with a constant parameter equation of state wx which equals to-1+2γ/3, where γ is related to the coefficients of the new terms in the modified Friedmann equations.The model was evaluated by constraining with the observational data. We discovered the parameter exhibits remarkable fit with the data which leans toward the phantom nature i.e. wx< −1. At the same time, for Hubble constant problem (Hubble tension), it appears to support the local distance measurement rather than the cosmic microwave background(CMB) data.
To explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, the entropic force, assumingly arises from the surface term in the Einstein-Hilbert’s action, has become another interpretation of driving force for the acceleration.Among many different approaches, we propose to adopt the entropic force model(EFM) with a constant parameter equation of state wx which equals to-1+2γ/3, where γ is related to the coefficients of the new terms in the modified Friedmann equations.The model was evaluated by constraining with the observational data. We discovered the parameter exhibits remarkable fit with the data which leans toward the phantom nature i.e. wx< −1. At the same time, for Hubble constant problem (Hubble tension), it appears to support the local distance measurement rather than the cosmic microwave background(CMB) data.
none, Accelerating expansion, entropic force model, constant parameter equation of state, phantom, Hubble constant problem