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本研究旨在探討科技競賽對國中生活科技教學的影響。研究對象為曾參與過「科學教育-金頭腦」之子計畫「自然與生活科技競賽」之各校帶隊教師及學生。 研究過程發展出一份自編問卷,根據調查對象不同,區分為教師用卷與學生用卷兩種,以蒐集所需資料。之後,並配合專家訪談,以深入了解競賽活動辦理的真正訴求、推行實況與問題,找出未來精進的可能作法。 本研究獲致的主要結果有: 一、參賽學校及教師們對於本競賽活動的舉辦給予肯定與認同,同時對競賽活動的目標及重要性逐漸取得共識,並能常態性支持或參與本競賽活動。 二、帶隊教師就科技競賽在生活科技教學影響的看法,在「教學準備與實施」、「教學認同」及「教學成效」三方面皆予以正向肯定。 三、參賽學生就科技競賽在生活科技教學影響的看法,在「教學認同」與「教學成效」兩方面皆予以正向肯定。 四、「不同學科教師」 此一因素,不會影響帶隊教師對科技競賽在生活科技教學影響的看法。 五、參賽學生對「我認為科技競賽與學校生活科技課程是有相關聯的」與「獲獎情形」的看法之間,有相關存在;參賽學生對「科技競賽很有意義,如果往後有機會我還想再參加」與「上過生活科技課情形」的看法,也有相關存在。 六、學生正向肯定之程度比教師還高。僅「科技競賽促使學校安排正常的生活科技教學」這一項,教師之正向肯定程度高於學生。 最後依據研究結果提出對辦理單位、生活科技教師及對後續研究的建議。
The research is aimed to explore the influence of technology competition on living-technology education of junior high school in Taoyuan County. The object of study is the leading teachers and the students those who ever participated in “Science and Living-technology Competition”-- a sub-project of “The Project of Science Education - Golden Brains.” According to the different investigating target, a questionnaire was developed in two types for teachers and students for collecting the research data. After the survey, the expert interview was used for inquiring the information of that competition’s actual situation and promoting ideas. The results are as followings: 1. Schools and teachers appreciate this competition. Besides, the recognition of them to the goals and the importance of the competition are rising, and they will approval or participate in the competition in future. 2. Regarding the influence of this competition on the living-technology education, the teachers who ever led students to participate the competition, responsed with positive of “instructional preparation and implementation,” “approval of instruction,” and “instructional effect.” 3. The student also responsed with positive for “instructional preparation and implementation,” “approval of instruction,” and “instructional effect.” 4. The factor, “different discipline teachers,” will not affect the teachers’ views of the influences of the technology competition to living-technology instruction. 5. Students’ opinions of “I thought the technology competition and the science and technology curriculum is connected” is related to “The situation of winning the prize.” Students’ opinions of “The technology competition is very meaningful, I would like to participate if I have the opportunity” are related to “Whether to have attended the living-technology class.” 6. This research found that students tend to more positive degree on most topics than teachers except for the statement of “The technology competition facilitates the schools arrange normal science and living-technology instruction.” Finally, the researcher have based on the results to propose the suggestion to the organizer of the competition, the teachers of teaching living-technology education, and to the related researches in future.



科技競賽, 生活科技, 生活科技教育, 教學影響, technology competition, living-technology, living-technology education, influence on instruction





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