國高中公民科教科書課程銜接之研究 - 以政治部分為例
dc.contributor | 黃惟饒 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor | Huang, Wei-Jao | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 楊玲悅 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | Yang, Ling-Yueh | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-28T02:27:39Z | |
dc.date.available | 2010-6-27 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-28T02:27:39Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2010 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究旨在探究目前國、高中公民科政治課程的銜接狀況,了解高中教材是否建構在國中學習基礎上,表現出加深加廣的銜接。為了達成此目的,決定採取內容分析法,改編董秀蘭之研究問卷,形成「國、高中公民科教科書政治知識內容主類目分析表」;另以新版布魯姆認知領域教育目標分類之知識向度為基礎,形成「國、高中公民科教科書政治知識策略類目分析表」以此二維向度矩陣來分析我國國、高中公民教科書政治課程的銜接性,做為日後政治教育教學及教材編輯的參考。 根據內容分析結果,本研究的結論如下: 壹、課程綱要的銜接表現 一、整體課綱展現一定的連貫性,惟綱要形式未能統整一致 二、課程目標的設定由具體到抽象,涵蓋認知、情意、技能 三、教材綱要呈現加深加廣,惟能力指標與基本內容未統整 四、九九課綱中移除部分重要主題,恐導致學習概念不完整 貳、教材單元主題的銜接表現 一、國、高中教科書單元編排之脈絡大致相符 二、教材單元主題大致上由少而多、由簡而繁 三、部分主題缺乏銜接連貫性恐影響學習效果 参、教材編寫策略的銜接表現 一、高中教材編寫策略的繼續性表現 「民主政治的意義」、「民主政治的價值與限制」、「選舉活動與行為」、「中央政府的組織與職權」4個主類目,在難度層次上較國中有所提升,達到加深並加廣的銜接;「國家的目的」、「國家構成要素」、「國體與政體」、「政黨制度的類型」、「選舉權的行使」5個主類目,無顯著的內容加深,此現象可能造成學習的浪費與倦怠,難以達到迅速且有效的學習。 二、高中教材編寫策略的一致性表現 高中各版本在不同的主類目中皆曾使用不同於國中教材的詞彙來聯結同一知識概念,此種用語前後不協調或不一致的表現,不易達到提示學習者的認知特性與舊經驗。 三、高中教材編寫策略的順序性表現 大抵表現良好,唯「選舉的意涵」、「地方自治」、「民主素養與公民德行」3個主類目,呈現學習次序的安排倒置,易使學生建構知識欠缺流暢或脫節。 肆、高中各版本教科書編寫策略特色 三民版較其他版本有更多的概念知識,顯示其偏重分類性知識;龍騰版與南一版著重抽象知識的建構與思考能力的訓練。 根據研究結果,提出下列建議: 壹、對國、高中課程綱要的建議 一、統整國、高中課程綱要的形式與名稱,使課程銜接更一貫及明確化 二、「我國政治發展」、「公民與民主的關係」回歸九九課綱,使課程完整 貳、對高中教科書編印者的建議 一、重視國高中重覆主題的編寫,避免不必要的重複 二、留意國、高中教科書在重要詞彙使用上的一致性 三、適當排列國、高中教科書中政治知識的學習次第 四、避免使用艱澀的名詞作為建構新知識的舉例說明 五、高中應側重程序、後設知識,提升學生思辨能力 六、教科書出版商宜針對課程銜接內容編擬整體架構 参、對國、高中教師的建議 一、了解國高中課程銜接,可有效降低授課時數不足的壓力 二、建立國高中教師對話與分享的平台,提供銜接專業諮詢 三、主動成立教學團隊以協助彼此共同解決課程銜接的問題 肆、對教育行政單位的建議 一、協助建立國高中公民教師交流平台,減少課程銜接斷層 二、建立完整一貫的課程處理機制,落實十二年國教之銜接 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The purposes of this study are first to investigate the curriculum articulation of the political courses in civic subject between junior high schools and senior high schools, second to examine whether the content of senior high school textbook is based on junior high school studying experience in a broader and deeper sense with the tools of content analysis According to the result of content analysis, the conclusions of this research are as follows: 1.The present articulation of the Curriculum Guidelines (1)The whole framework of the curriculum guidelines is designed consistently in unity, but not in form. (2)The setting of the curriculum objectives are presented from concrete to abstract, covring different aspects in recognition, sentiment and ability. (3)The textbook guidelines are designed for different levels, but they are not properly linked to the curriculum of junior high school. (4)Some important topics deleted from the 99 year’s curriculum guidelines may lead to the conflicts between studying experience and contents of textbook. 2.The present articulation of the Textbook Contents (1)The textbook compilations for junior and senior stages are relatively consistent. (2)The compilation of the content is from general to specific, from simple to complicate. (3)The lack of curriculum articulation in some topic may affect the effectiveness of learning. 3.The present articulation of the textbook writing strategies. (1)The continuity of textbook writing strategies. A good continuity will lead to good effect of wider and deeper study. But a bad continuity will lower the incentives of students’ learning. (2)The consistency of textbook writing strategies. The most significant inconsistency phenomenon is using different terms to interpret the same concept. Students will have difficulties linking the new concept to their previous study experience. (3)The sequence of textbook writing strategies. Some topics are not properly arranged in sequence, which makes knowledge constructing harder. 4.The characteristics of the textbook writing strategies. San-Ming has more categorized knowledge than other publishers, putting greater emphasis on memorization ability, while the other two publishers emphasize more on constructing and thinking abilities. Based on the results of the study, a few suggestions are made as follows: 1.The suggestions for the Curriculum Guidelines of junior and senior high school. (1)Unify the curriculum guidelines between junior and senior high schools and clarify the articulation of curriculum. (2)Restore the topic “the relationship between civic and democracy” from the 99 year’s curriculum guideline. 2.The suggestions for textbook publishers of senior high schools. (1)Avoid unnecessary repetition of the same topics in both junior and senior high schools (2)Emphasize the consistency of key terms usage in textbooks for each stage. (3)Properly arrange study steps of political knowledge from junior to senior high. (4)Avoid using intricate terms to explain a new topic or concepts. (5)Procedural knowledge and metacognitive knowledge should be emphasized more in senior high school level to promote the thinking and recognition ability. (6)Textbook publishers should make an overall construction on articulation of curriculum. 3.The suggestions for teachers in junior and senior high schools (1)Understand curriculum articulation comprehensively so as to be able to teach effectively and to avoid pressure from insufficient teaching hours. (2)Establish a formal communication platform to share infomation of curriculum articulation. (3)Use teamwork to help each other solve curriculum articulation issues. 4.The suggestions for educational administration. (1)Establish formal communication system for junior and senior high schools teachers. (2)Arrange the connection of 12-year civil basic education efficiently. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 政治學研究所 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | GN0595101213 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595101213%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85591 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 公民教育 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 教科書 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 政治課程 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 課程銜接 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | civic education | en_US |
dc.subject | textbook | en_US |
dc.subject | politic courses | en_US |
dc.subject | curriculum articulation | en_US |
dc.title | 國高中公民科教科書課程銜接之研究 - 以政治部分為例 | zh_TW |
dc.title | The Study of Textbook Curriculum Articulation in Civic Subject Between Junior High Schools And Senior High Schools-Take The Political Courses for Example | en_US |