dc.contributor | 劉美慧 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor | Liu, Mei-Hui | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 吳景雲Cuis Takabu | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | Wu, Ching-Yun | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-12-17T03:15:17Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-08-09 | |
dc.date.issued | 2024 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究採自我敘說方式探究我做為一位阿美族國小教師的族群認同轉化歷程,以及在族群認同覺醒後投身於教育,意識到主流文化教育對原住民學生的壓迫,使其對母文化感到陌生及不認同時,可能產生的文化傳承危機,進而與協作者們開啟了阿美族民族教育課程發展的行動實踐。本研究目的包括: 一、探究我的族群身分認同的覺醒與認同轉化的經驗。 二、分析我成為教師後發展阿美族民族教育文化課程的歷程。 三、探究我如何建構阿美族民族教育文化課程意識與教學實踐歷程。 研究場域主要為我任教的兩所阿美族學校:一為阿美族的原住民族重點學校,一為阿美族的實驗小學。本研究先以自我敘說以及回顧田野觀察筆記、教學日誌及相關文件等方式建構文本,並分別邀請七位協作者一起相互敘說共構故事,待故事初稿完成後進行深度訪談。最後根據再現文本進行分析我的族群認同覺醒及轉化歷程,以及發展阿美族文化課程的建構歷程,同時探究我的族群認同、文化課程意識與教學實踐如何相互交織。 本研究發現如下: 一、 我的族群認同在懵懂與否定的族群認同階段,因遭遇歧視而刻意隱藏原民身分,面對族群認同的認知衝突時,開始探究與建構對原住民的理解。在族群認同覺醒的階段,積極學習母文化,關心原住民社會議題與處境。族群認同覺醒後的階段,能覺察原住民族受壓迫處境並採取行動實踐。持續建構族群認同的階段則是透過教學實踐激發文化課程意識致力原住民族教育發展。 二、 我做為原住民轉化型知識份子,在教學實踐中覺察主流教育對原民學生的壓迫,透過哲思、對話與分享經驗提升批判意識,對課程專業知識及阿美族文化的覺知來自課程與教學理論的紮根與實務結合,將學習場域跨越學校圍牆藩離進入部落學習的教學越界。面對課程制定層級不同調時,能反抗霸權、掌握話語權,藉由行動實踐激發集體建構課程的解放行動與原住民族教育主體性。三、 用自信重振文化,看重文化的價值與信念,從田野調查、生活參與以及與族人對話開始學習文化並獲得知識。對文化的覺知以及對社會及教學環境脈絡的政治、經濟及教育政策等影響因素的覺知,有助於文化課程意識開展。將遭遇的挫折困境視為跨越邊界的契機,與協作者以mipaliw(互相幫忙)方式將關懷討論原民社會的議題融入課程,最終從理論與實務經驗中將課程專業知識、文化知識與課程意識轉化為運作課程,建構阿美族民族教育課程模組展現主體性。根據研究發現提出反思,敘事研究是適合教師在回看經驗時進行個人哲思與對話的探究方法,在解構既有意識後能重新覺察與批判思考,提升批判意識與進一步行動。期許研究成果能提供實務經驗給教師做為參考,走入原民學生的生活世界,找尋願意跨越邊界發展原住民族教育的協作者。打破學校圍牆疆界,讓學校有部落、部落有學校,將自發、互助、共好的理念與原住民族的價值信念結合,凝聚建構教育主體性的共識。更期盼原住民族教輔導團發揮領頭羊功能,協助教師編寫教案及課程實踐。後續研究可關注學生學習原住民族教育的經驗,以及探究擔任授課教師的耆老與青年們的經驗。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | This study explores how I, as an Amis elementary-school teacher, developed indigenous ethnic curriculum with my colleagues and students after awakening of my ethnic identity. This study applied narrative inquiry to represent my experiences of transformation of ethnic identity, curriculum consciousness and teaching praxis in two Amis elementary schools in eastern Taiwan.The main findings of this study were as follows:First, I hid my indigenous identity in the early stage of my life due to my experience of discrimination. After faced with the conflict of ethnic identity in the mainstream culture, I began to construct and learned about my mother culture, became concerned about the indigenous peoples’ social issues, and committed to dedicate myself to developing indigenous curriculum by promoting curriculum consciousness through teaching praxis.Second, as an indigenous transformative intellectual, I enhanced my critical consciousness through philosophical thinking, dialogue, and sharing experiences among the indigenous community. When faced with curriculum decision-making, I resisted hegemony, asserted the right to speak, and inspired emancipatory action through the praxis of the subjectivity of the indigenous.Third, the context of cultural consciousness, socio-political and educational policy contributed to the development of the curriculum. Additionally, I regarded difficulties as my learning opportunities to cross boundaries and to integrate indigenous issues into the curriculum.Finally, I integrated the theories and experiences from indigenous expertise, cultural pedagogical content knowledge, and curriculum consciousness into the operational curriculum, and constructed an Amis cultural curriculum module. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 課程與教學研究所 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | 80403002E-45740 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/592ce391014649438106764144cbd435/ | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122636 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 原住民民族教育 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 族群認同 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 課程意識 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 教學實踐 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | indigenous education | en_US |
dc.subject | ethnic identity | en_US |
dc.subject | curriculum consciousness | en_US |
dc.subject | teaching praxis | en_US |
dc.title | 覺醒、認同與行動---一位阿美族教師的文化課程意識與教學實踐 | zh_TW |
dc.title | Conscientization, Identity and Action---A Pangcah/Amis Teacher's Cultural Curriculum Consciousness and Teaching Praxis | en_US |
dc.type | 學術論文 |
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