
dc.contributorLiu, Ruo-Lanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Shao-Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討大學生參與社團之個人因素、社團滿意度與生活適應之關係,採用問卷調查法,以「大學生參與社團滿意度與生活適應問卷」作為研究工具;量表分為個人基本資料、社團滿意度量表、大學生生活適應量表等三個部分,其中個人因素包含性別、年級、就讀學院別、社團參與屬性、社團擔任職務、社團每週參與時數;社團滿意度包含社員關係、學校行政、工作挑戰與組織經營;生活適應則是包括目標適應、學習適應、情緒適應、社會適應等四個因素。 研究對象為私立天主教輔仁大學參加社團與學生自治組織之學生共371人。其中男性166人,女性205人。統計方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析。研究結果歸納如下: 一、社團滿意度中,社員關係平均分數最高,工作挑戰與組織經營則最低。 二、生活適應中,目標適應、學習適應平均分數最高,情緒適應則最低。 三、不同年級、就讀學院別、社團每週參與時數對社團滿意度有顯著差異。 四、不同年級、就讀學院別、社團屬性、社團職務、社團每週參與時數對生活適應有顯著差異。 五、社團滿意度各項因素與生活適應各項因素具有顯著的中度相關。 六、大學生個人因素對於社團滿意度有部分顯著影響關係,所有因素對於生活適應解釋力為13.5%至16.3%。 七、大學生個人因素、社團滿意度對於生活適應有部分顯著影響關係。所有因素對於生活適應解釋力為14.1%至28.8%。 本研究根據以上結果,針對學校單位、社團相關人員及後續研究提出建議。 對學校單位、社團相關人員的建議為(一)促進社團滿意度提升大學生的生活適應,(二)結合學校行政與各系所資源輔導社團,加強學生生活適應。最後,對後續研究提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to investigate the relationships among personal factors, satisfaction towards student clubs, and life adjustment of university students participating in student clubs from students in the Fu Jen Catholic University. This study is based on questionnaires investigation, and take “the survey of satisfaction towards student clubs, and the life adjustment of University Students participating in Student Clubs” as the research instrument. The scale is divided into three sections: personal information; satisfaction towards student clubs; and life adjustment of university students. Personal information includes: gender, year of university, faculty, categories of student clubs, positions in student clubs, and hours participating in student clubs per week. Satisfaction towards student clubs includes: interpersonal relationship within the student clubs, university administration, work challenges, and organizational management. Life adjustment includes, goal adjustment, learning adjustment, emotional adjustment and social adjustment. The subjects of this research are 371 students from the Fu Jen Catholic University participating in the student clubs and student self-government group. Among them, there are 166 male students and 205 female students. Statistical methods include descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The research results are briefly as follows: 1.In Satisfaction towards student clubs’ scales, highest average score in interpersonal relationship within the clubs, and lowest score in work challenges and organizational management. 2.In Life Adjustment, highest average score in goal adjustment, and learning adjustment whereas lowest in emotional adjustment. The average score of goal adjustment and learning adjustment is the same. 3.Different year in university, faculty and hours participating in student clubs per week shows significant difference to satisfaction towards student clubs. 4.Different year in university, faculty, categories of student clubs, positions in the student clubs and hours participating in student clubs per week shows significant difference to life adjustment. 5.There is a moderately significant correlation between the factors of satisfaction towards student clubs and the factors of life adjustment. 6.Some factors of personal information of university students have significant influence effects on the satisfaction towards student clubs. All factors have an explanatory power of 13.5% to 16.3% for the satisfaction towards student clubs. 7.Some factors of personal information of university students and satisfaction towards student clubs have significant impacts to life adjustment. All factors have an explanatory power of 14.1% to 28.8%. Based on the results from the above provide suggestions to school units, personnel related to student clubs and further research. Suggestions for school units, personnel related to student clubs are: 1.Increasing satisfaction towards student clubs to improve the life adjustment of University students. 2.Gathering resources provided by school administrations and the department to improve life adjustment of the university students. Finally, suggestions for further researches are presented.en_US
dc.subjectuniversity studentsen_US
dc.subjectsatisfaction towards student clubsen_US
dc.subjectlife adjustmenten_US

