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為提升國家整體競爭力,行政院於107年12月核定《2030雙語國家政策發展藍圖》,以「厚植國人英語力」與「提升國家競爭力」為兩大政策目標;教育部依據《2030雙語國家政策發展藍圖》訂定推動雙語國家計畫,以「培養臺灣走向世界的雙語人才、全面啟動教育體系的雙語活化」為目標,強化學生在生活中應用英語的能力及未來的職場競爭力;由此可見,提升國民的「英語力」及「國際競爭力」是政府推動雙語教育政策的重點目標。新北市97年建置英速魔法學院,提供偏遠地區學生浸潤式英語學習環境,102年擇5所國小試辦雙語實驗課程,105年以「學科領域與語言學習整合教學法(Content and Language Integrated Learning,簡稱CLIL)」試辦雙語實驗課程計畫,於107學年度正式推動;國中亦於109學年度推動CLIL雙語課程;因此,本研究關注於新北市採CLIL推動雙語實驗課程,以了解學校能否順利執行及其困難與挑戰,從法令、行政、技術、經濟及政治五個面向探討新北市推動雙語教育政策的可行性。本研究採取個案研究設計,藉由蒐集目前新北市推動雙語教育政策相關計畫,針對參與新北市國中及國小雙語實驗課程之校長、行政人員及教師進行訪談,透過立意與滾雪球取樣的方式,本研究共計訪談31位學校人員,包括國中12位、國小19位,皆為曾經參與雙語教育計畫的執行人員。本研究結果發現:(一)新北市雙語教育政策的推動已具備法令基礎,惟相關法令配套研擬不易;(二)新北市推動雙語教育政策能否順利被執行仰賴學校團隊的共識及溝通協調能力,尤其凝聚英語教師、領域教師及外籍教師之間的共識是計畫執行的先決條件;(三)新北市推動雙語教育政策在技術面向須面對課程規劃、協同教學、評量設計及師資準備等挑戰;(四)新北市推動雙語教育政策雖逐年增加人力及預算,惟欠缺計畫效益的檢核機制;(五)新北市推動雙語教育政策仍存在價值衝突與矛盾,並影響領域教師的課程主導權。依據本研究之研究成果針對促進雙語教育政策的可行性、教育行政主管機關及學校提出具體建議。
To elevate national competitiveness, the Executive Yuan has formulated the “Blueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030”. The major two policy objectives of the Blueprint are “cultivating people’s English proficiency” and “elevating national competitiveness”. The Ministry of Education also announced “the Program to implement Bilingual Nation” and aimed to cultivate bilingual talents and started up bilingual activation in education system in Taiwan, in order to enhance students’ abilities to communicate in English and competitiveness in workplace. This shows that both of them put emphasize on people’s English ability and national competitiveness and start up Bilingual Education Policy.The New Taipei City Government established five English Wonderland Schools for rural school students to learn English by immersion surroundings since 2008. In primary school, the Education Department formerly implemented Bilingual Experimental Curriculum in five primary schools in 2013 and further running an enterprise program for “Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL for short” in 2016. It turned to apply and review the program in 2018. Junior high also promoted CLIL bilingual courses in 2020. This research focuses on the adoption of CLIL promoting bilingual experimental courses in order to realize the smooth implementation of the school and its difficulties and challenges. As to policy feasibilities, we chose legal, administrative, technical, economic, political feasibility to discuss further.This research adopted a case study research design. We interviewed several principals, administrators and teachers who participated bilingual education to their opinions about bilingual education policy in New Taipei City. We have interviewed 19 elementary school members and 13 junior high school members sampling by purposive and snowball.There are five main findings. First, New Taipei City bilingual education policy already has a legal basis, but it’s not easy to develop the supportive regulations. Second, the smooth implementation of this policy depends on the consensus and communication skills of the school team, especially among English teachers, subject teachers and English native teachers. Third, the policy has to face the challenge of curriculum planning, collaborative teaching, assessment design, and teacher training till this moment. Fourth, although the government has increased human capital and budget year by year, it lacks a check mechanism for the effectiveness of the project. Fifth, the policy still has conflicts and contradictions and interfere with the subject teachers’ power. End of this study, it also provides some recommendations for policy feasibility of bilingual education, policymakers, and schools based on findings.



雙語教育, 政策可行性分析, 雙語實驗課程, 學科領域與語言學習整合教學法, Bilingual Education, Policy Feasibility Analysis, Bilingual Experimental Curriculum, Content and Language Integrated Learning





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