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本研究旨在探討成人觀眾在國立科學工藝博物館4樓「科學開門----探索廳」之「追根究柢」及「穿越時空」兩區之學習特性、科學概念建構之策略及影響科學概念建構之因素。研究者根據「研究對象選取原則」篩選三位訪談對象,再採用「放聲思考法」(think-aloud method)搜集訪談資料。
The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of learning, the constructive strategies of science concepts and the factors of effect, of the adult audiences in the Science Exploration Center of National Science and Technology Museum. Three participants were selected based on "the principles of choosing participants" developed by researcher. "Think-aloud" method was adopted to collect the data. According to the outcome of interview and analysis, this research summarized the following conclusions: 1.based on prior knowledge or experiences: the basic strategy was " to connect prior knowledge or experiences with new science concepts" ; the flexible strategies included "browsing exposition rapidly" , "transferring of learning" and "inference". 2.clues of context: the basic strategy was " search clues from context" ; the flexible strategies included " control factors" , " reasoning" and " metacognition" 3.trial-and-error: the basic strategy was " trial-and-error" ; the flexible strategies included " assumption" , "search clues from context" , "to connect prior knowledge or experiences with new science concepts" and" analogy" . According to the learning route ,the researcher named the two former as “circulative constructor”, the later as “linear constructor”. The factors that influenced circulative constructor included lacking of key concepts of exhibition, resource of exposition, and depth of concepts of exhibition, and monotone of operation. The factors that influenced linear constructor included lacking of prior knowledge, practices of science skill and relative resource of exhibition , and long exposition.In the conclusion, concrete suggestions were put forward respectively to the museum toward contents of exhibition and adult learning..
The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of learning, the constructive strategies of science concepts and the factors of effect, of the adult audiences in the Science Exploration Center of National Science and Technology Museum. Three participants were selected based on "the principles of choosing participants" developed by researcher. "Think-aloud" method was adopted to collect the data. According to the outcome of interview and analysis, this research summarized the following conclusions: 1.based on prior knowledge or experiences: the basic strategy was " to connect prior knowledge or experiences with new science concepts" ; the flexible strategies included "browsing exposition rapidly" , "transferring of learning" and "inference". 2.clues of context: the basic strategy was " search clues from context" ; the flexible strategies included " control factors" , " reasoning" and " metacognition" 3.trial-and-error: the basic strategy was " trial-and-error" ; the flexible strategies included " assumption" , "search clues from context" , "to connect prior knowledge or experiences with new science concepts" and" analogy" . According to the learning route ,the researcher named the two former as “circulative constructor”, the later as “linear constructor”. The factors that influenced circulative constructor included lacking of key concepts of exhibition, resource of exposition, and depth of concepts of exhibition, and monotone of operation. The factors that influenced linear constructor included lacking of prior knowledge, practices of science skill and relative resource of exhibition , and long exposition.In the conclusion, concrete suggestions were put forward respectively to the museum toward contents of exhibition and adult learning..
博物館, 成人學習, 科學概念, The museum, adult learning, scientific concept