

中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解不同個人背景國中教師對師生衝突成因的差異情形及探討國中教師對不同之師生衝突成因之因應方式。為達本研究之研究目的,首先透過文獻探討,建立研究的整體架構,繼而發展「國民中學師生衝突成因及教師因應策略之調查問卷」調查問卷,進行資料的蒐集。 本研究以九十三學年度台中市市立國民中學教師為研究對象,共發出786份研究問卷,施測後回收問卷702份並經檢視,有效問卷625份,有效回收率達89.0%。經統計分析可以歸納以下幾項結論: 一、國民中學教師認為「學生不當行為」最易引起師生衝突,其次為「師生的認知差異」及「青少年心理特質」。 二、大部份國民中學教師在面對師生衝突,最常使用因應策略為「溝通協調」,其次為「尋求協助」及「延遲解決」。 三、國民中學教師知覺師生衝突成因因性別、年齡、年資、職務及任教領域而有顯著的差異 (一)就性別而言,國民中學男教師較易於女教師引發師生衝突。 (二)就年齡而言,在師生衝突層面為「師生溝通不良」時,25歲以下、31-40歲、51歲以上的國民中學教師,比41-50歲的國民中學教師容易和學生產生衝突;而師生衝突層面為「學生不當行為」時,41-50歲的國民中學教師,比31-40歲的國民中學教師容易和學生產生衝突。 (三)就年資而言,服務5年以下國民中學教師認為「師生溝通不良」、「青少年心理特質」較容易於26年以上之國民中學教師產生衝突。 (四)就職務而言,教師兼行政之國民中學教師認為「教師管理方式」較易於專任教師產生衝突;而導師認為「教師管理方式」、「學生不當行為」較易於專任教師產生衝突。 (五)就任教領域而言,自然與生活科技領域之國民中學教師認為「師生認知差異」較易於數學領域教師產生衝突;而藝術與人文領域之國民中學教師認為「師生溝通不良」較易於綜合領域。此外自然與生活科技領域認為在衝突整體較易於綜合領域。 四、衝突成因高低分組教師,面對不同師生衝突成因的因應也不同。在「教師管理方式」及「學生不當行為」策略為「權威脅迫」、「置之不理」及「尋求協助」;在「師生溝通不良」,策略為「溝通協調」;「青少年心理特質」策略為「溝通協調」、「置之不理」、「延遲解決」及「尋求協助」。而在「師生認知差異」採取的因應策略沒有顯著差異。 最後針對研究發現與結論,分別就相關主管行政機關、學校、教師、家長及後續研究者提出建議事項,俾供參考。
ABSTRACT This research aimed to investigate the cause of teacher-pupil conflicts in junior high school and strategy of handling the conflicts. The research method was based on the literatuue reviews to build the structure of the research and to develop the questionnaire of “the questionnaire of the sources of the teacher-pupil conflicts and handling strategies for the junior high school teachers” to collect necessary data. The subjects of this research were teachers of the public junior high school in Taichung during the academic year of 1 August 2004 to 31 of July 2005. In the total of 786 questionnaires, 702 questionnaires were returned and the effective questionnaires were 625. The effective return rate was up to 89.0% for this research. The conclusions analyzed from the questionnaires were as follows: 1. Junior high school teachers believe the major cause of teacher-pupil conflicts is “the aberration behaviors from students,” and then followed by “the different insight between teachers and pupils,” and “development of individuality in puberty.” 2. To most of the junior high school teachers, the most frequently used strategy when facing teacher-pupil conflicts is “communication,” and the followed strategy in order is “seeking help” and “delaying a solution.” 3. The perception of the conflicts among the junior high school teachers has a prominent difference due to the gender, age, the year of teaching, position and teaching subject. (1)Concerning gender, the teacher-pupil conflict is easier to occur on male teachers than female. (2) Concerning age, the conflict of “miscommunication between teachers and pupils” is more likely to happen to teachers who are in the age under 25, between 31-40, and over 51 than to those who are in the age of 41-50 while the conflict of “the aberration behaviors from students” is easier to occur to teachers who are in the age of 41-50 than to those who are in the age of 31-40. (3)Concerning the year of teaching, teachers who serve less than 5 years believe, “miscommunication” will happen to teachers who serve over 26 years. (4)Concerning position, teachers who also involved in administrative jobs believe, the conflict of “the arrangement of teacher” is more likely to happen to full-time teachers while class tutors consider the conflicts of “the arrangement of teachers” and “the aberration behaviors from students” are easier to occur to full-time teachers. (5)Concerning teaching subject, teachers of Science and Living Technology consider the conflict of “insight difference” is easier to occur to Math teachers while teachers of the Arts and Humanity regard the conflict of “miscommunication” is more common in General subjects. 4. When facing the cause of different conflicts, teachers from the high-scored group have different strategies. The strategies for “arrangement of teachers,” and “the aberration behaviors from students” are “the force of authority,” “ignoring the pupils,” and “seeking help.” The strategy for “miscommunication” should focus on “communication,” and the strategies for “developing individuality in puberty” are “communication,” “ignoring the pupils,” “delaying a solution,” and “seeking help.” However, the strategy for handling “the different insights between teachers and students” has no essential differences. In conclusion , this research, merely serves as reference for sources of administrative organizations, schools, teachers, and scholars from the researcher. Key words: junior high school teachers, causes of conflicts, responsive strategies



國民中學教師, 衝突成因, 因應策略, junior high school teachers, causes of conflicts, responsive strategies





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