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一般而言,在師徒制過程中,所探討的大都為師父是否會將自身知曉的知識傳授給徒弟,而鮮少討論徒弟對師父的知識移轉層面。本研究之研究對象天下雜誌2008 年所選出之1000 大製造業、500 大服務業及100 大金融業之人資人員為樣本。以師徒間的相似性與人際信任作為影響師徒互動的因素,探討師徒關係的良與不良,是否會造成知識傳播能量與知識移轉程度上的不同。 經由問卷進行實證研究,採便利抽樣方式,並以配對形式發放師父問卷250 份及徒弟問卷250 份,共500 份問卷。經問卷刪除無效問卷後,共配對115 份,有效回收率為46%。利用層級迴歸分析,其研究發現: 1.師父主觀深層相似性對於徒弟角色楷模功能有顯著正向影響。 2.徒弟主觀深層相似性對於徒弟認知師徒功能有顯著正向影響。3.師父情感基礎上的信任對於徒弟心理支持功能有顯著正向影響。4.徒弟情感基礎上的信任對於徒弟認知心理支持與角色楷模功能有顯著正向影響;徒弟認知情感對於徒弟認知職業發展與角色楷模功能有顯著正向影響。 5.徒弟角色楷模功能對於徒弟知識傳播意願有顯著正向影響。 6.徒弟職業發展與角色楷模功能對於徒弟知識移轉程度有顯著正向影響。 7.徒弟主觀深層相似性對於徒弟知識傳播能量有顯著正向影響。 8.師父主觀深層相似性對於徒弟知識移轉程度有顯著正向影響。 9.徒弟主觀深層相似性對於徒弟知識移轉程度有顯著正向影響。 10.師父認知基礎上的信任對於徒弟知識傳播意願有顯著正向影響。11.徒弟情感基礎上的信任對於徒弟知識傳播意願有顯著正向影響。12.徒弟認知基礎上的信任對於徒弟知識移轉程度有顯著正向影響。13.徒弟主觀相似性透過師徒功能對於徒弟知識傳播能量有完全顯著正向影響。 14.徒弟主觀相似性透過師徒功能對於徒弟知識移轉程度有完全顯著正向影響。 15.師父人際信任透過師徒功能對於徒弟知識傳播能量有部分顯著正向影響。 16.徒弟人際信任透過師徒功能對於徒弟知識傳播能量有完全顯著正向影響。 17.師父人際信任透過師徒功能對於徒弟知識移轉程度有完全顯著正向影響。 18.徒弟人際信任透過師徒功能對於徒弟知識移轉程度有完全顯著正向影響。
In general speaking, most studies are discussing about how mentors transfer their knowledge to protégés, but rarely discuss about protégés. Thepresent study involved the collection of data from a convenience sample drawn from 2008 Wealth Magazine. Data collected from human resource department which include manufacturing, services and financial industries. Examined the effects of similarity, interpersonal trust and mentoring function on knowledge transfer. The study use mentor-protege dyads questionnaires. A total of 500 questionnaires were send out (include 250 metors and 250 protégés). After screening questionnaires with incomplete answers, the study involves 115 mentor- protégé dyads, our response rate to be 46%. Using analytic hierarchy process, the results are as follows: 1. Mentor’s subjective deep similarity has significant positive influence on role modeling. 2. Protégés subjective deep similarity has significant positive influence on all mentoring function. 3.Mentor’s affect-based trust has significant positive influence on psychosocial function. 4. Protégés’s affect-based trust has significant positive influence on psychosocial function and role modeling; Protégés’s connition-based trust has significant positive influence on vocational career function and role modeling. 5.Protégés’s cognitive Role modeling has significant positive influence on Protégés’s willing to share knowledge. 6. Protégés’s cognitive vocational career function has significant positive influence on protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer. 7. Protégés subjective deep similarity has significant positive influence on protégés’s disseminative capacity. 8. Mentor’s subjective deep similarity has significant positive influence on protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer. 9.Protégés subjective deep similarity has significant positive influence on protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer. 10. Mentor’s cognitive Role modeling has significant positive influence on Protégés’s willing to share knowledge. 11. Protégés’s affect-based trust has significant positive influence on protégés’s willing to share knowledge. 12. Protégés’s cognitive Role modeling has significant positive influence on protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer. 13.Mentoring function has a fully mediating effect between protégés subjective similarity and protégés’s disseminative capacity. 14. Mentoring function has a fully mediating effect between protégés subjective similarity and protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer. 15. Mentoring function has a partially mediating effect between mentor’s interpersonal trust and protégés’s disseminative capacity. 16. Mentoring function has a fully mediating effect between protégés’s interpersonal trust and protégés’s disseminative capacity. 17. Mentoring function has a partially mediating effect between mentor’s interpersonal trust and protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer. 18. Mentoring function has a partially mediating effect between protégés’s interpersonal trust and protégés’s degree of knowledge transfer.



相似性, 人際信任, 師徒功能, 知識傳播能量, 知識移轉程度, similarity, interpersonal trust, mentoring function, disseminative capacity, degree of knowledge transfer





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