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在全球化潮流下,國際人力資源的發展更趨重要。相對地,國際人力資源專業工作者的培育需求也必然更顯迫切。在此背景下,國立臺灣師範大學「國際人力教育與發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Workforce Education and Development, IWED)於民國九十二年(九十二學年度)成立,隸屬於科技學院;於民國九十八年(九十八學年度)更名為「國際人力資源發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, IHRD),並改隸國際與僑教學院。民國一百零三年(壹零三學年度),國際與僑教學院與社會科學院合併後更名為國際與社會科學院。∥ 系所特色
本所成立於民國九十二年,為全國第一所採用全英語授課,並同時招收本國籍與國際學生的系所。以培育國際企業、各國政府機構及國際性非營利組織人力資源規劃與管理專業人才為目標。本所的成立及發展正是反映前述時勢所趨,希望成為引領此領域之先驅,提供學生發展成為國際化人力資源專業人才的基礎和專業課程,以培養其具備進入全球化職場的素養和關鍵知能,學生在畢業後授予管理學碩士學位(MBA Degree)。
本國學生的招生方式包含推薦甄選及碩士一般生考試,考試科目為「管理學」和「英文」;國際學生的招生方式為申請入學和僑生海外聯招。國際化是我們的一大特色,除了師大的學習環境之外,本所與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)長期學術合作,學生在完成課程且通過甄選後,可申請赴UIUC擔任訪問學生,提供學生多元學習的環境與機會。
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目前本所的師資係結合了六位本所專任教師,以及多位兼任教師共同投入及組成本所堅強優秀教學陣容,每一位教師皆擁有國內外著名大學博士學位,不但能以英語授課,學術涵養亦十分深厚。未來將持續努力透過傅爾布萊特獎助(Fulbright Grant)計畫與本校學術交流交換等管道,禮聘客座教授或交換教授於本所任教。
Search Results
Item The Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in the Banking Sector in The Gambia(2012) Isatou A.F. Jallow; Isatou A.F. JallowDespite the large number of studies that examined the antecedents of organizational commitment, fairly little is known about its relationship with emotional intelligence and job satisfaction in developing countries. Hence, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction on organizational commitment of employees among six banks in The Gambia. A Quantitative research design was used and thus, a convenience sampling of 200 employees were drawn from the six banks selected for this study. Three scales: Emotional Intelligence from Wong and Law (2002); Spector’s (1985) Job Satisfaction and the Organizational Commitment from Meyer, Allen and Smith (1997) were employed to collect data from the participants. The data analyses involve the use of One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Simple Linear Regression. The findings from the One-Way ANOVA analysis indicates that among the five demographic variables chosen for this study, only level of education had a significant difference on organizational commitment. Furthermore, the findings from the correlation and regression analysis show that emotional intelligence and job satisfaction is positive and has a significant effect on organizational commitment. Similarly, emotional intelligence was also positively and significantly related to job satisfaction. Based on the outcome of the study, it is recommended that managers and human resource practitioners to consider incorporating emotional intelligence assessment into the educator hiring process as well as determine the job satisfaction levels of employees as a basis for forming training budgets and retention strategies. It is hoped that these programmes will enhance and retain valuable employees especially in The Gambia banking industry.Item On the Interrelationship between Individualistic Orientation, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention in the Workplace(2013) 王良海; Kyle WangThe high turnover rate of the younger generations in Taiwan has for some time been a conundrum that besets local Taiwanese enterprises, as had been discussed in many articles. Most of these articles, however, had attempted to address this issue from the perspective of the assorted personality traits of these younger generations in Taiwan, which in actuality may be a case being unable to see the forest for the trees. By zooming in on the cognitive contradistinction between the generations imposed upon by the times, this research aimed to examine the issue from a macroscopic viewpoint, which hopefully can contribute to a better understanding of the nature of this blight of a phenomenon that is rampant among the younger generations in Taiwan. The R&D sector, wherein solidarity and selfless cooperation are called for so as to achieve breakthroughs and innovation and where human nature is put to the acid test on account of the onerous workload and massive stress, serves as an ideal place to inspect the collision of collectivism versus individualism and the impact thereof. Through in-depth interviews with targeted experienced HR personnel and the revelations of related success and failure stories, this research shed some new lights on the nature of this value mutation/confrontation pattern liable to stage in the workplace of certain graduated developing economies.Item 訓練職能與組織承諾的關係:以人資部門角色為干擾變數(2010) 吳智翔; Chih-Hsiang Wu此研究探討訓練職能與組織承諾的關係,並且以人資部門角色為干擾變數 研究方法主要是以階層迴歸的方式,樣本對象以中小型企業為主 研究結果顯示:訓練職能和組織承諾有正向相關 人資部門角色也與訓練職能以及組織承諾正向相關 並且人資部門角色也扮演一個干擾調解的角色介於訓練職能與組織承諾之間Item 家庭友善政策與尊嚴勞動措施對員工性別平等知覺與組織承諾的影響(2010) 吳卓容; Joanna Chu-Jung Wu對組織而言,了解真正影響提升員工工作生活的因素是重要的。隨著雙薪家庭的增加,家庭友善政策因而萌生且被熱烈討論。此外,近年來歐盟將尊嚴勞動視為最重要的課題。而這兩者皆立基於性別平等的概念之上。因此,此研究欲提出一概念模型,藉家庭友善政策與尊嚴勞動措施的實施以預測員工的組織承諾,並了解員工的對性別平等的知覺在此一模型內的中介作用。 先以一試驗性研究探討家庭友善政策、尊嚴勞動措施、性別平等知覺與組織承諾各量表的適切性。再以修改後的問卷向研究主體-台灣民營企業員工,收集研究資料。描述性與推論性統計資料藉由SPSS軟體分析之,以t考驗與ANOVA分析各群組比較結果。此外,結構方程模型(SEM)亦被運用於瞭解此一假設模型是否成立與其中各構面之可能性關係。 結論證實此一以家庭友善政策及尊嚴勞動措施的實施,併以性別平等知覺為中介因素,欲預測員工之組織承諾之模型的可行性。然而,研究結果亦顯示相關友善政策在台灣的工作職場中仍待加強。Item An Investigation of Factors Affecting Bank Employees’ Retention in The Gambia(2014) 孫莉娜; Mariam Jaye SoweThis research was conducted in The Gambia whose population is about 1.8 million with a total of 13 banks and over 70 branches in all in the country. With the market greatly liberalized which has eventually resulted in an increased competition in the domestic financial system, banks end up competing for the same customers who are increasingly aware of their many choices. In addition, as job mobility increases, a high rate of turnover and job hopping has been created with bank employees moving from one job to another and this has created a growing interest on what needs to be done to retain employees. Thus, this research investigated job satisfaction, organizational commitment and compensation satisfaction as factors that can affect employee retention for the attainment of greater organizational performance of bank employees in The Gambia. The samples included employees in the top five banks in The Gambia and purposeful sampling was used to select the cases for inclusion in this research. 155 people responded to the questionnaire by submitting hard copies as well as online submissions. The study adopted validated measurement instruments from researchers who have conducted studies in these constructs. Data for this research was analyzed using quantitative research method. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regressions were used to analyze the data. Based on results of this study, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are found to be significant predictors of retention while compensation satisfaction had an inverse relationship with retention. Based on the findings and the research process, some recommendations are provided.Item 台灣社福機構之志工留任因素探討(2014) 陳遠晴; Yuan-Ching, Chen本研究之目的為探討影響志工留任因素,並採用組織架構中的個人、群體、組織之三構面分層探究各項因素。此研究中的參與者可分為兩種:一則為曾經或是現在服務於社福機構中達三年或三年以上的志工,二為曾經過是現在服務於社福機構終達三年或三年以上的志工管理、經理者。為求研究結果的多樣性與結果應用的普遍性,所有參與者分別來自不同的社福機構,並以結構式訪談得出較深入的訪談結果。此研究的結果貢獻於實務界中的志工管理相關議題。Item The Relationship between Training and Development and Organizational Commitment of Private Service Companies in Mongolia: Job Satisfaction as the Mediator(2019) 穆易白; ABAI MURATIn this permanently and aggressive developing marketplace, training and development and organizational commitment are focused on those essential and important factors in an organization. There are many researchers have been investigated the factors in the organization such as training and development and organizational commitment. Also, there are several studies found that job satisfaction positively related to training and development as well as organizational commitment. This study proposed to investigate the relationships among training and development, organizational commitment and job satisfaction as a mediating role within the private service companies in Mongolia. The data collected via online survey, 250 full time employees was analyzed with SPSS and AMOS. The results of the hypotheses test confirmed that training and development is positively related to organizational commitment. Results also showed that job satisfaction mediated the relationship between training and development and organizational commitment. The findings of this study also provided knowledge in the practical way to the private companies in Mongolia with perception of training and development, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction.Item Leadership Matters? The Moderating Effects of Perceived Transactional and Transformational Leaderships on Career Plateau and Organizational Commitment in Belize(2017) 古瑞希; Delsie Loreni KuThe organizational structure and workplace environment is continuously changing and adapting. As a result, career plateau is more salient in the workplace, resulting in consequences such as reduced organizational commitment and challenges to management. Numerous researches on career plateau have supported the theory that a plateaued employee is harmful to the organization’s success, but few focus on the effects of career plateau in developing countries. Likewise, there is limited focus on how leadership can influence the outcome of organizational commitment in plateaued employees. This study sought to confirm the relationship between career plateau and organizational commitment, with a focus in the moderating roles of transactional and transformational leaderships, particularly in the context of Belize. Data collected, using an online questionnaire, from 247 full-time employed Belizeans, with at least one year tenure with their organization was analyzed. The linear and hierarchical regression analyses were used to confirm the negative correlation between plateaued employees and their affective and normative commitments, and a positive correlation to their continuance commitment. As well, the moderating effects of transactional and transformational leaderships on this relationship were analyzed. The findings show that plateaued employees display reduced affective commitment to the organization, and transactional leadership behaviors strengthen this negative relationship. The results also show that plateaued employees display reduced normative commitment to the organization; however, transformational leadership moderates this negative relationship. What's more, the results also showed that plateaued employees display higher continuance commitment, and transformational leadership strengthens this relationship.Item The Effects of the Personal Characteristics, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Work Satisfaction of Foreign Workers in Taiwan on their Organizational Commitment and Employee’s Performance(2017) Thomas Thierry Locqueneux; Thomas Thierry Locqueneux無中文摘要